
MN-Nurse ASN, RN

Med Surg - Renal

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All Content by MN-Nurse

  1. It isn't a primary concern or goal of my union and there is no evidence of them spending any resources on the effort. The redistribution of wealth - upward - is what is actually happening and should...
  2. Interesting. Disdain for the people who work for you and reverence for a single overpaid person at the top. Remember when North Memorial Hospital's CEO was caught in a prostitution sting on his...
  3. Yep. Hospital CEO salaries made a very conspicuous public run during a recent RN
  4. Do NOT send anything of the sort. Do not voice your displeasure. Do not do anything but nod and say, "I'll do my best." Then use all that energy you would have spent on the letter and protest and go...
  5. Do long hours of work still exists today? Yes. How many hours per week (avg) do you work? 38 Do you see medical facilities in your area reducing or increasing hours? It fluctuates almost...
  6. The diverters get pretty good at it. I had an instructor who was duped by a coworker who kept fake med vials in her pockets and was extremely good at pocketing the real med, switching to the fake one...
  7. Your take on actors playing "nurse"...

    I am fan of the Nurse Jackie show. The show has almost nothing to do with nursing - much like MASH had nothing to do with the Korean War, but it's entertaining. The one thing I always notice is that...
  8. How does chemistry apply to your RN position?

    I found the chemistry extremely
  9. How does chemistry apply to your RN position?

    Look up "Basic Metabolic Panel" (blood chemistry test) and look at the levels given. Then look up the effects and treatments for ranges that are too high or low for each result and you will see a...
  10. Giving Narcotic After Scheduled

    I would have given it and rescheduled all subsequent administrations to start 12 hours after the time I gave
  11. Misuse of insulin pens and patient safety

    I've heard of these horror stories and have some idea why the misuse of pens would occur. My hospital pharmacy is fairly bad at getting medications to the floors in a timely matter. Except when it...
  12. Those nurses you admire for their mastery learned a lot of their lessons the hard way. I once asked a Red Cross Nurse sticking me for a platelet donation, "How do you get so good at that?" She...
  13. Rule follower-how to survive

  14. Has this ever happened to you?

    You went in to get an unnecessary round of vitals and cut the cheese while you were at it? Well done! Oh to answer your question, no, I've never done that. If I am handing someone their walking...
  15. Resignation not going well. Advice?

    You're already out of it. Got a new gig and everything. Keep going. With respect to the predictions of doom from HR, it is total BS. The HR/management drones giving you the apocalyptic scenario are...
  16. How to turn down an assignment

    I put my head down, power through it and find another job as fast as I
  17. How much do you owe in student loans?

    Associate degree RN, graduated May, 2011. I owe $21,246.13 in school loans. Truth be told, there is probably another $3,000-$4,000 on my credit card related to school expenses. In better news, I have...
  18. Nurses Who Smoke Marijuana

    This reminds me of one of my favorite stories from my previous engineering career. The Manufacturing Manager was hiring for assembly positions and told applicants, "We have a zero-tolerance drug...
  19. Heparin SubQ administration?

    The best way to do something in clinical is to ask the instructor or preceptor how they do it, then do it that
  20. What do you like most?

    In general, newer nurses work the night shift. I found them generally to be far more helpful, fun, and nicer to be around than many of the ever-complaining burnout cases on
  21. nurses who bully nurses...what?!

    You take any population of sufficient size and you will find some jerks. No biggie. As far as the management drone descending on you because of what the roommate reported, well that is what they do....
  22. OMG Say it correctly!

    I blame his dad for that. During the Bush I presidency, I noticed many conservative acquaintances pronouncing it "nu-cue-ler" on purpose when they previously had pronounced it correctly. When Palin...
  23. One huge reason I want to be a nurse

    Me too. And CEOs, celebrities, captains of industry, doctors,... Wait, you weren't talking about incontinence care were
  24. I have found that some patients can just get to you, and some cannot. When patients go mining for emotions, I find it works to be a dry
  25. day/night rotations

    The only thing worse would be doing 8 hour day/night shifts - like I did until I got another position. At least with 12s you get a little more time to