

Nasty sammiches and Dilaudid

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Cohiba specializes in Nasty sammiches and Dilaudid.

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  1. For background, I'm a RN in the ED of a level 1 trauma center (CEN/CCRN/TCRN plus some other stuff that doesn't make it on my signature block) but have a question that none of our docs can answer and...
  2. Towel = OK. Pouring water over said towel = not
  3. Is it true all nurses get MRSA or C-DIFF?

    Yep, all nurses, will get MRSA and C. Diff so run now while you
  4. What type of website or app would you make for nursing?

    If there was an app that could direct the user towards the nearest source of coffee or beverage alcohol, I'd be ALL OVER
  5. My favorite thing about being a (male) nurse? Every other
  6. I'm going a sliiiightly different route and voting for multifocal atrial tachycardia since the P-waves I see aren't consistent between QRS
  7. Best advice to give a new nurse

    Never pass up a chance to: 1) Eat 2) Sit down 3) Drink water 3.5) Pee (see what I did there?
  8. Do RNs get extra pay for working with students?
  10. What to teach in EMS class?

    A couple nights ago I was talking with a friend who's one of the instructors in the local college's EMS education program and they said it would be nice if I was to speak in class as a guest about EMS...
  11. Finally ACCEPTED!!!!!!! Now what?!

    Get drunk, sleep until whenever you wake up vs being tied to an alarm clock, turn 5 y/o again (eg have sugary and nutrition-free cereal for breakfast, then go to McD's for lunch), climb a tree, take a...
  12. ER Books for summer reading?

    Not ER-specific, but anything by Dr Atul Gawande is marvelous to read, as is Mary Roach's book "Stiff", and anything nonfiction by Bill Bass (founder of the Anthropological Research Facility at the...
  13. Waiting in the ER & Heard This

    A couple of the EMS agencies serving the ED where I work will say "this patient is triage appropriate" when calling report over the radio and almost universally that patient will be taken to the...
  14. Best one sentence handoff report

    I was on the receiving end of: "600 lbs, immobile, constipated, loaded with Colyte just before transfer". It was every single bit as horrible as you can
  15. What is your nursing "joy?"

    Getting a critical patient out of my ED and to the ICU