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All Content by dance2<3beat

  1. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    Jen, they never told us how much. I guess they received a nice donation so they wanted to help out 1 or 2 of the new nursing students. so nice! hopefully they have it for you guys too!
  2. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    hey Jen, sorry it took me so long to reply. but the packet came with instructions on what to do next, including a brief course description, uniform info, etc. It also had info about the health clearance along with a few papers that you will need to f...
  3. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    Thank you Courtney! :)
  4. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    @ Courtney, I think I will now have to take one of the online tests! Sounds like it's very helpful. Also, I have yet to find a place to live. But I will be going up there this weekend and on sunday I hope to find it! And Jen, I usually worry about m...
  5. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    @ Jen, Thanx for the help! I will let u know if I have any questions about areas that I look into. @ Jen & Courtnee123, I have the teas V study guide book that I have been looking through. I have had it for a while now but barely opened it all su...
  6. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    Thank you! I'm pretty excited! I saw that you have taken the teas already. My appointment for it is monday so I am going to be making a trip up there for the test and also to look for places to live. I really have no idea where to even look because I...
  7. Anyone going to Modesto Junior College?

    Hey everyone! I just received my acceptance letter for mjc's fall 2011 on thursday! Im super stoked, but also going a bit crazy because it starts so soon! Im from orange county so I will be moving up to modesto as soon as I find a place to live. Anyw...