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About janiebee

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  1. What Is The Total Cost Of Your LVN/LPN Program?

    1. Around $11,000 for a daytime, 12 month program. 2. I'm paying nothing out of pocket except for approximately $1200 in textbooks, uniforms, and other supplies. Financial aid covered my tuition (I am...
  2. So, class starts in exactly 3 weeks, and I have a bookcase full of new textbooks just waiting to be cracked open... Have any of you also thought about reading/studying before your program actually...
  3. Roll call for LPN students starting July and Aug.

    Hi, everyone! Congrats! Janelle, Lancaster County Career & Technology Center (Willow Street, PA) 12 months, Starting August
  4. Getting a 90% in TEAS V possible?

    Absolutely, it's possible! If I can do it, anyone can. Seriously. I spent 4 days studying. (Note, I graduated from high school in '05.) The science part really kicked my butt,
  5. Lancaster County Career and Technology Center?

    Glad to hear you got in! I'm starting this month, but during the day program. Wish we were in there together! At least we can be in touch on here while we're going through it.
  6. Anyone going to Willow Street this year?

    Is it really that bad? You have me a little nervous since I'm starting at LCCTC at the end of this
  7. Lancaster County Career and Technology Center?

    That's nice! Thanks for writing back. I hope the program is going well for you. Anyone
  8. Motivation will come from within :) With that said, try to see your education as part of the big picture.. you may be sacrificing some personal/social time to study hard now, but think of where it...
  9. Lancaster County Career and Technology Center?

    Hi! I am bumping this thread to see if anyone is currently in the program or recently
  10. How I Studied for the TEAS

    Thank you! I'm taking the test tonight. Most of my studying covered the topics listed but there were a few things I missed. Great