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All Content by vcastio

  1. Am I over reacting? what to do with my preceptor?

    So first of all, are you a new grad? Or new to the hospital? Because you said you graduated 2011. If you are an experienced nurse, it sounds like you are over reacting. There's no reason why you should not be able to take those pt's, especially with ...
  2. M.D. Anderson residency

    As far as I know, MD Anderson no longer hires ADN. I don't know of many hospitals that still do. I would always recommend to get your BSN if you can because ADN is phasing out. As far as the next Res. class, I really couldn't say. They had one in jun...
  3. M.D. Anderson residency

    Well it's not really an internship, you are full fledged RN with all that it entails, you will just be coached for the first weeks. The residency class itself is a year long commitment with bi-monthly or monthly meetings, paid meetings ;] I've heard ...
  4. M.D. Anderson residency

    Yes, exactly that. First is the HR interview, your basic newhire interview. Although they are HR, they still ask you nursing questions! The panel interview is held by floor managers of potential hiring floors. I was unable to attend mine in person so...
  5. M.D. Anderson residency

    Be prepared! Have stories ready of times when you advocated for your patients, difficult situations, and how you handled them. Also be prepared to ask questions, hope you do well!
  6. M.D. Anderson residency

    As a current, and almost finished, nurse in the residency program I can tell you that it is fantastic! It eases you in very comfortably and gives you more resources than you could ask for! Hope this helps :]