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  1. Someone help me understand this please! We are to follow the "new" maximal barrier precautions when inserting PICCs, full sterile head to toe drape for the pt., sterile gown, gloves, head cover and...

    I have a son with ASD. Please demand that your congressperson support insurance parity bills which are pending in many states. Currently many of we working parents with insurance cannot afford to...
  3. measuring PICCs

    I was taught to find the vein with US and mark the skin, then measure from the mark to the shoulder, then to MCL, then to the 3rd ICS. I've had the opportunity to assist with PICCs placed under fluro...
  4. Maximum barriers...argh!

    Yeah I have that sign too, but still have problems with people coming in. I think I need a shotgun, or a loaded saline syringe...maybe I could shoot all tresspassers on
  5. Withdrawal of blood from piccs

    We no longer change caps after draws, have studies to support this practice. We use positive displacement caps and flush with 20ml non preserved saline after blood
  6. I understand the push toward maximum barrier use when inserting PICC lines (and other CVADs). Our IC nurse insists that I use a drape that will cover the pt. from head to toe, exposing only the small...
  7. measuring PICCs

    Hi everyone, I wanted to ask for any pointers in measuring a pt. for a PICC. We use Bard caths which are trimmed at the distal end, so once it's in, it's in. It seems that my insertions are like...
  8. bullies succeed?

    Where I work both bullies and whiners succeed. Closely following that are the brown nosers. It amazes me that those kinds of behaviors are
  9. Wedding band irritation

    I absolutely know that the alcohol gel ate the skin under my wedding band. I had blisters and actually denuded the area under my ring. When I approached my manager at the time about any alternate...
  10. sleeping pills

    Hi all, I've been under tons of stress the past 6 months. Problems with hubby, kids, ex...and more. Been seeing a counselor who is gently prodding me to consider meds, specifically sleepers. I...
  11. Fake Nails on Nurses, Yay or Nay?

    I personally have very thin nails, they split and peel and curl up on the edges. They look and feel awful. I've tried all kinds of "treatments" without much sucess. And I work in a "no fake nails"...
  12. In all honesty, knowing then what I know now...probably not. What would I do instead? Maybe information technology, or business. Something that would have allowed me to make and keep a decent...
  13. Ohio Hospitals The Pay For Your Nursing Education

    Some of the smaller hosp. have loan repayment options, you sign on, they pay off your loans. It's a good deal unless you need to be in a big
  14. Picc Question...technique

    I've found that sometimes when the wire gets snagged up, the problem is the wire itself and not the needle or anything you are doing. Try a good quality floppy tipped wire, like a Nitinol and see if...
  15. "Funny Codes"?

    Several year ago while working in our ED, call came in from one of the local EMS. One of the audience at a very large, outdoor country music festival was in full arrest. OK, we got ready and were...