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  1. Bait and switch

    Update to "Bait and switch." I last posted on this subject about the end of July. I was again reading your kind and supportive posts. So I wanted to let you all know what has been going on. In August I got a one-day job a week at an ambulatory ps...
  2. weight gain and antipsychotics

    I guess I am kind of confused about the way a question is asked or posted on the board, and what others personal experiences have been when working in psych settings. I feel like you can look at all the info on the web that pharmaceutical companies ...
  3. RN refresher course

    Matt123 HI! I also am in an RN refresher course finishing up my clinicals. I think some hospitals don't want refreshers because they are sometimes considered as "students." I can understand that part. Luckily, our instructor sticks up for us and...
  4. Has anyone experienced this? The best meds I have had have Wellbutrin but every week or so it was increased to 400 mg and even that didn't help and was about the most that it could be increased to. Latest was Lexapro and was a good med for energy a...
  5. Drug addicted nurses

    Very interesting. I was thinking how much harder it would be for a nurse to steal from a pyxis because you have to use your fingerprint. Never thought about "tracking" to see where they go. That's pretty cool.
  6. Is 52 to old for starting nursing program

    P.S. I'm sure that got her attention, after all she was practicing discrimination and I am sure she will be careful of this in the future. And it was done with no animosity or hard feelings!!! She's already referred me to a hospital she works at as...
  7. Is 52 to old for starting nursing program

    JSteine1: It's all your fault! What a good feeling (and a lesson for me) to stand up for myself. I am sure it will be an asset to me in the future. Hugs.
  8. Is 52 to old for starting nursing program

    jsteine1: Thank you so much for your words of comfort. My spirits were lifted reading your post. Your words about what was happening were so succinct and clear! Of course she was discriminating! I just didn't see it through the spider webs. I ta...
  9. Is 52 to old for starting nursing program

    Krissy: I read your first post and then the later one about your success. So I am happy for you that your persistence paid off. I am over 60 and entered an excellent refresher program the 1st of Sept. 2 months classroom, 2 months clinical. My pro...
  10. A patient complained about me...

    Totally agree with you about not being blindsided. The posts are good. Document exact words when appropriate, heads up and to the point to your manager. Today was fine. But if I had already been employed and not a refresher, it might have been di...
  11. A patient complained about me...

    Same thing happened to me the other day. I am in a refresher program at a local hospital in an ambulatory care setting. It was my first day starting IV's. I started out getting every one of them on the first try. Then comes along a man with his c...
  12. Refresher course feedback

    Hi: I don't know what state you are in or the availability of refreshers where you live, but I am in California and they are hard to come by. I just entered my refresher 8/29/05. It was 2 months of very intensive book work and labs. We are now in...
  13. Lexapro

    I started on Lexapro 3-4 months ago at 10 mgs a day. It was great and I felt calm, less angry, and everything seemed normal. However, it has been losing its effect, or I am becoming tolerant to it. The doc just upped the dose to 20 mg a day so I d...
  14. Got a flu shot - now my entire arm hurts

    I also got a flu shot Wednesday. They came around all the floors in the hospital and said "who wants a flu shot?" So I got one. That night and the next day it hurt like I had been hit with a large rock. I could not sleep on that side (left). Still ...
  15. Watermelon stomach

    Same here. Previously very healthy. Very frustrating. Wow, do you think you developed Raynauds in connection with the GAVE? I have had 5 cauteries and each time doc will say slightly better, or better, needs more, (cauteries) on discharge sheet...
  16. Watermelon stomach

    Anyone experienced with this? I have had 3 cauteries so far and due for another one first of Sept. Ferritin has gone from 14 to 5 since the last one. But last cautery Doc said there was improvement. Anyone one worked with this? Seems like only ...
  17. Becoming an Endoscopy Nurse

    I am in my RN refresher theory right now, but will be going into clinicals next month. My instructor has prepared me to take some of my clinicals in endoscopy as that is what I thought I might be interested in. I have not remembered to ask my instr...
  18. The medical diagnosis is gastric antral ventral ectasia (GAVE). After blood transfusions and iron supplements, carafate, etc., I have started having stomach cauteries. I haven't had to have transfusions for a long time now, but the constipation is ...
  19. ABGs

    What is the best way to evaluate compensation? Thanks
  20. survived the bon and 5 day eval

    Isn't this kind of thing against the law? Can police officers do this when interrogating suspects? Their "job was to break you down?" Isn't this abuse? I am just horrified!
  21. Southern CA correctional nurses

    I am just now taking my RN refresher after being out 10 years, and submitted an application to the State, listing my experience, clearance by the Police Department as a volunteer, the part-time nursing job I have in psych right now, etc. Today I got ...
  22. Southern CA correctional nurses

    I am sure they hire more LVN's than RNs. website http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov Has a lot of info on it but not exactly what I want. One of the students in our refresher course says she gets things in the mail all the time about wanting to hire. I...
  23. What is the difference in

    "they do not follow up on complaints." Something sounds not to my liking.
  24. What is the difference in

    What is the difference in State surveys and JCAHO? Is the state survey for LTC and JCAHO?
  25. Southern CA correctional nurses

    You know what? They did not give me a test. They based the rating on my past experience, probably my local police background check, the fact that I am right now working part-time as an RN and doing my refresher. "Thank you for your application for ...