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About Tiger747

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  1. Question about Atty for BON hearing

    You cannot possibly go before the B.O.N. without an attorney, and even then it may not help. The little lady who went before me had a solitary D.U.I. 5 years, I think, prior and, trust me, you do not...
  2. I was charged with a misdemeanor. The case was formally dismissed;however, it is still on my record. Fine print says, "Dismissed". Currently, the judge doesn't like the new law, House Bill 1211,...
  3. Domestic violence, a cautionary tale:

    In Anderson, IN., any altercation = both parties arrested. It is considered "mutual combativeness". I am not entirely sure what an innocent victim is to do; however, I would think twice about...
  4. Denied CA lvn license for 2 DUI's

    Yes, Samirish, it was of a violent nature; but, it was a "simple battery". It was so preposterous the judge laughed and evidently dismissed it. I never pursued it until I realized the thing is on my...
  5. success although bittersweet

    You are a very kind person, Pixie. You are very encouraging. I believe you about Indiana. Evidently, they recognize it, as House Bill 1211 passed 45 to 5 in favor. So, I guess they are trying to...
  6. Denied CA lvn license for 2 DUI's

    Extremely well put, Karl. "A festering wound." That does sum it up. What makes it so bad is that friends and family will always speak to you in platitudes like "don't give up", when, in fact,...
  7. Will not be able to work anywhere that accepts Medicaid/Medicare.
  8. Denied CA lvn license for 2 DUI's

    Calmom, what you say is very true. What many do not understand is that it is actually a blessing in disguise to be denied a license as opposed to being granted a probationary license. A...
  9. The changes that have happened in this country just since the early new millenium would boggle the mind. Used to be no one even asked about misdemeanors; today, they are as awful as a felony. If...
  10. success although bittersweet

    Hi Pixie, Well, the judge refused to seal my record simply because he doesn't like the statute. So now even my civil liberties are being violated (the law says "the judge shall"). Of course, we are...
  11. How is this fair?

    I am pretty sure if the Almighty was going to answer a prayer, it would be that of the 70% of the American economy(working poor, working class, and middle class)-- the consumer-- who no longer has any...
  12. How is this fair?

    It is Planet Earth, 2011, the United States of America. 60 Million people are praying for a job-- any job-- with no hope in sight. Prayers are not being answered because Jesus said,"Render unto...
  13. success although bittersweet

    Hello, Pixie, you wrote,"Oh dear, I just saw what state you are in, the most difficult state in the union. YOUR state wouldn't even recognise my nursing college. Can you apply to the surrounding...
  14. please help

    The problem is the "felony" charge. If it is inside of 5 years, especially, you are looking at an uphill battle from pillar to post, my friend. Read all the threads on this forum regarding...
  15. Hi Cinbar, Your story leaves me speechless. You understand, then, that it is impossible to relate these tales to most people because 99% of the population would not believe it. LOL People just look at...