CrunchRN ADN, RN

Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health

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All Content by CrunchRN

  1. Totally agree with the last 3 posters. Money. I have worked with so many NP's over the last 3 decades and what a difference. Still some good ones, but much fewer and rarer.
  2. CrunchRN

    Nurses Didn't Call Doctor

    Were there parameters for the HR in addition to the ones for the BP?
  3. CrunchRN

    Counseling Staff Members On Sick Leave

    I wouldn't touch that conversation with a 10 foot pole unless she opened that door herself and asked your opinion. So many ways it could go wrong and/or be taken wrong.
  4. CrunchRN

    ER downward spiral

    What a mess. You did the only thing you could do. Hopefully this will make them see change is needed.
  5. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    You sound like you are doing really well. Congrats!
  6. CrunchRN

    Nurse supervisor making request in all caps

    Good luck. Burn those bridges!
  7. CrunchRN

    Consequences of Breaking Contract

    I have never heard of a contract like that before. What is the penalty for early termination?
  8. CrunchRN

    Driver in fatal crash has had her license suspended

    Nobody is perfect and fatigue is definitely a thing. However, I cannot really think of any justification for going 90 in a 35 and blasting thru a red light and intersection.
  9. You aren't doing heart surgery. Just take a break when needed. If they fire you for taking a break that is going to be their problem.
  10. Just chart what you get. Not charting anything is not the answer.
  11. CrunchRN

    New Job Not Working Out

    Is it a job you will want once training is over?
  12. CrunchRN

    Skipping Pinning

    Passed on it (decades ago). Never regretted it.
  13. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    Hope that helps.
  14. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    Agree. And yet, I keep falling for it and I am not bored.
  15. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    Sometimes I have to wonder if you are a 12 year old Silverbells. I do feel we are getting played by you. Whoever "you" really are.
  16. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    Resenting patients because they get the Plaxovid you did not just speak volumes. You need help. We all have to with inherent risks in this world and you can't just make the boss do what you want. You ALWAYS have excuses for everything. Reasons why/r...
  17. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    Honestly? I think you need counseling. It would help you with many things. Just being off is not going to relieve all the other issues.
  18. CrunchRN

    Previous Jobs Not Giving Out References

    They are protecting themselves legally. Probably because someone said something that got them in a little hot water. I think more places are like that than not and other empolyers know that.
  19. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    I don't think it is neccesarily the job or health. I think getting an independant living situation, a non-management job, and working normal hours would all help. Then, with that situation work on building up self confidence and assertion skills.
  20. CrunchRN

    New Grad RN Can’t Find Job

    It is crazy that you aren't getting offers. Are you in a small county or something?
  21. CrunchRN

    Offensive Badge

    Common sense has fled the planet apparently. Who does politics (whatever they may be) at work? Was this a joke post to liven up the message board? That is the only thing that makes sense LOL!
  22. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    OK. Bottom line? You are a grown person now and you need to move past what bad parenting did or did not do. It is past time to live on your own and be an adult. Not to be harsh, but you sound like a whining child and not an adult to me. I say that ha...
  23. CrunchRN

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    Do you live with your parents? Why would anyone smack you? Maybe time to live on your own.
  24. CrunchRN

    New Nurse, Thinking About Throwing in the Towel
