"Violence is not part of the job." I strongly disagree. It is an inherent part of the job. The problem is that nurses are not taught how to recognize, verbalize, or document inappropriate verbal or...
Okay, is that all of the story? Raising your voice only gets you in trouble in a frilly-lace undies facility that has no desire to resolve issues, only pay their MBAs to take a trowel and spread a...
Please don't misunderstand, I'm not spouting "BSN Hate". I am noting the significant financial and political incentives that have been brought about by "dumbing down" that educational system. If...
If you re-read my post, I did not say that; you have inferred meaning. I have worked on a University affiliated campus for just under 20 years. Having worked with 2 and 4 year students, the BSNs...
I think this is a fairly accurate summary. Not many people have a functional understanding of handling weapons as tools and not as "the Magic Wand"(including Mil and LE). Security is present to...
"I have insurance." Translation: the tax base has been broadened because if you work, you will pay. So-called "increased access to care" is still a very much unknown quantity, as outstanding...
I'm always a bit hesitant to post on this topic, but its been awhile, so what the heck... The BSN requirement is an artificial socio-economic barrier created to "thin the herd" because colleges and...
No, we have responsible professional judgement. I would second mystcnurse's comment, regarding other theraputic meds used by nurses. Medical MJ is not some mystic, happy panacea. It is impairing(no...
Given the "weight" that your financial/business experience carries in your work history, yes, it should be included. I would remove industry-specific tasks (i.e., if you worked with a wholesale food...
Rob72 replied to graphicdesigner22's topic in Men in Nursing
Hmm. I did an on-line program, with 5 lovely, charming ladies. I was also the oldest (36). 3 of us had spouses and kids, the other 3 were engaged, and all of us worked full time, in addition to...
Rob72 replied to Peanut&Buttercup's topic in Research
The question is: are you planning to be a Research Nurse, or a Specialty Nurse who works in research? There is a difference. Once you have 2-3 years as a Research Nurse/Coordinator, you should be...
Having worked at a trauma center in Wichita, KS, in the early 90s, I've been around for 2 such incidents. Regardless of my environment, I will walk away from trouble at every opportunity. Regardless...
Okay, generally, Esme and I are on the same page, but I would like to (perhaps) expand on what I read. Yes, patient ratios are "recommended" by Jack-O, Nerds In Hiding, and Morbidity and Mortality,...
What astounds me is the screaming impetus for treating the "diabetic epidemic", but an utter lack of use, and training on, the insulin pump. There is no reason that an inpatient could not have the...