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About croppyRN

croppyRN specializes in Rehab/LTC.

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  1. I'm drowning!

    If anyone has some tips for this new MDS nurse I'd be so grateful. How do you keep organized? I only have 8 Med A residents, but lots if part B and the extra work involved w them. I work in small 50...
  2. Joanna73 - thanks for your input. I start next week so I guess I will find out soon enough how much they expect of me. I agree with you that it is important to know the residents well. It will be...
  3. Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate that you took the time to give me your advice. I did decide to accept the job and start training in two weeks. I've been trying to find info...
  4. Ruas61 - thanks for your reply. My MDS friend told me about this job. She is corporate level now and manages many MDS nurses at their different facilities. The MDS nurse that is there now would be the...
  5. Advice please! I have been offered a position as an MDS Coordinator for 50 bed LTC facility. Perfect size for me since I have no experience. Will receive at least 2 weeks training + opportunity to...
  6. One year patient care for me?

    Hi joanna73. Thanks for replying. Your advice is very good, but my problem seems to be taking the knowledge from the textbooks/classrooms and applying them on the floor. Especially when I have more...
  7. One year patient care for me?

    Thanks for your advice joanna73. I think those are good ideas, but my problem seems to be taking the textbook/classroom knowledge and applying it on the floor. It scares me that one year later I am...
  8. I hope someone reading this can give me some good advice. After over one year working as an RN at a short term rehab/LTC facility, I am beginning to have doubts. I love taking care my patients, and...
  9. 10th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    As a new nurse I guess I should have warned you. When a patient says they think they're going to throw up, grab the basin first, ask questions
  10. Good "Brain Food" for Concentration during shifts

    Thank you all for your suggestions. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply! I have to admit, I don't drink enough water, because I know where that will go, and most shifts I don't have time...
  11. I am looking for ideas on healthy foods and snacks that I can eat on the run that are known to help with concentration, memory, etc. Also any vitamins that help with this as well. If anyone has some...
  12. Good for you! Sounds like you made the best decision. Good luck with your new
  13. Time management with elderly patients

    I think the above advice is very good. I needed it too, because I find myself in the same situation when dealing with my patients and residents. A lot of the time I have to interrupt them and...
  14. I am not a perfect nurse.

    Very well said! I think you are on the right track. You aren't perfect, and this person (for whatever reason) has selected you as her punching bag. Just remember, these type of people are very...
  15. Advise for new job at SNF , new grad RN

    I have only been at a short term rehab/LTC facility for about four months on my own, but I won't sugar coat it for you. It is very overwhelming at first. You will be intimidated by the other nurses...