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About nola1202

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  1. 1st RN Job, feeling discouraged and disappointed

    Hang in there baby! It's not you it's Health Care these days (profit driven, not acuity driven.) Survive for a year then get out! Look for a Hospital position that lives up to it's Magnet Status PR...
  2. 1st Psych Nursing Job starts Monday, any advice?

    Be afraid, be very afraid
  3. April 2013 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    "He says he was replaced by someone named Jimmy
  4. Hee, Hee, Hee, we talk about this at work all the answer is yes, no, yes, maybe, no...mmmm I'll get back to you on that. Like many other "lifers" (over 24 years) I have taken time off to...
  5. I do nights, but I feel it. The sleep deprivation is the hardest, even when I sleep well I still feel deprived. Usually I come home, stay up about an hour or two, lie down around 9 or 10, sleep till...
  6. Heel stick on side of foot/medial ankle

    Excellent advice from all the other posts, just wanted to address your anxiety. Thankfully, 99.9% of our less than stellar interventions have no adverse effects. You are learning and that's what's...
  7. Tips & Advice for a Brand New RN Starting Out in Pediatric Med/Surg

    Respiratory failure in kids can be easily missed. They compensate very well for a long time, then poof! Respiratory arrest. I was a new grad who had the wonderful fortune to have a Ward Clerk who...
  8. Tourniquet with heel sticks?

    I also had this experience, and wondered about it. I guess there's the prefered method, and the unconventional that works that one time. Glad the labs ended up comming out
  9. Peds nurse with no kids

    Also childless, mostly by choice. I was on the fence about having kids, never really was in a good enough relationship to want to risk it. If I had it to do over again, I think I'd think more about...
  10. For the longest time I would start to walk in a geriatric patient's room and she would wake and holler "look out for the dog!" I would stop mid-step and lurch to the side in an attempt to avoid the...
  11. "thanks for
  12. ditto. I thought I'dfound the perfect job, now I find out someone has lied about me to management and mangement believes them. I'm stuck with a "performance improvement plan" and having to go through...
  13. rofl. This seems to be really common. The other most common is the grab a quick break after am report, chart checks and assessments. I used to get so annoyed at the smoke break and breakfast break...
  14. dad/mom is sad. It's not your fault, and it's not your job to fix their sadness. You don't have to be extra good to make things better. PTSD: Something bad happened to mom/dad and sometimes something...
  15. I'm grateful for you crusty old bats

    Every time a bell rings a baby bat gets their wings. (very loose quote from "it's a wonderful