

Critical Care/ICU

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All Content by begalli

  1. Can you "explode" from CDiff

    Yep, scrotal edema....3rd spacing, seen it too many times to count. I have always gently elevated the area with a few folded pillowcases placed under the scrotum. Sounds like this poor guy is
  2. Frustrated Grad Student

    Not to minimize your obvious frustration, but these all sound legitimate to me. Hope you can get past all of this. Being po'd with the Dean of Nursing and her secretary before you really get a chance...
  3. Of course. That's why everybody, foreign or not, search the BRN's website for a license number next to their name. I answered the OP's question, provided a link to search for a license number and...
  4. Yes, technically people can come to the conclusion that they've passed by finding their license number. But as far as posting actual NCLEX results on their website, no, the BRN does not do that. Nor...
  5. Wow IP Nurse, RN, that's WONDERFUL! Congratulations!
  6. When my daughter was 19, she had pyelonephritis. She was admitted to the hospital and had a morphine pca. I am just saying that this is an extremely painful condition. I would be making sure that your...
  7. OUCH! Poor thing. Thank goodness they found the pyelonephritis, but my goodness, what took so long! I hope your darling is getting the pain relief she so obviously needs for both comfort and healing....
  8. Why don't you call the BRN or check their website for your answer. Since they are the ones who provide this info, they know the answer. They don't bite! The BRN is very helpful...
  9. By the way, no, the BRN does not post NCLEX results. You will have to wait for those to arrive in the
  10. Wait about a week (but I know you'll be checking many times a day :) ) and then go here to "Online License Verification" If you passed and the site is updated, you will have a license number. You can...
  11. Log rolling spinal pt's

    I was able to google "log rolling spinal injuries" and found lots and lots of stuff. Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but here are a few:...
  12. Fentanyl/Versed on locked pumps ?

    Timothy, it looks as though that standard of yours may not be the actual standard of care. I've been in quite a few ICU's and have never seen fentanyl or versed drips locked. I've not been employed in...
  13. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    I'm really glad you clarified what you meant. Because really, it did sound really really
  14. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    I just noticed your edit. What I think you need to understand is that there is a HUGE difference between lying and denial. Is this more about people's personal choices (like smoking) when they have a...
  15. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    Proactive for ALL,
  16. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    Yes, you're right about the facesheet. But what about the lady who can't afford an AICD and needs assistance paying for that? Did she get a consult as well and why the comment about taxpayers paying...
  17. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    But what is the point of this thread if not snarky to begin with,
  18. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    Unless there is a case manager involved I never have any idea what kind of insurance or lack of insurance a patient has. I really don't care and it's not something that I seek to find out. So I'm...
  19. How do veteran nurses react to...

    This is SO true! I too am a second career RN and the people (docs, rn's, therapists) who didn't know that I was a new grad thought that I had been nursing forever. Some of them, I never told that I...
  20. How do veteran nurses react to...

    You will find that you will not be the only person in your nursing program who are both second career students and in their 30's (and probably, maybe, men). Once done with your program, you will be a...
  21. Of course they will look into your fingerprints even if you don't pass because you will be elegible to retake NCLEX. Seems like forever, but a little more patience on your part might be in order. I...
  22. Bay Area - New RN Grad Programs

    Most hospitals in the Bay Area have new grad programs. All you have to do is go to hospital websites and look: San Francisco, Pennisula, North and East Bay Hospitals. San Jose and South Bay Area...
  23. patients who LIE about their symptoms!

    What would you rather have happened with this lady? You can choose to look at it as a "lie." Or more appropriately you can look at it as DENIAL which is common almost 100% of the time. I'd rather pay...
  24. I am not familiar with the term