

Critical Care/ICU

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All Content by begalli

  1. Med-Surg nursing... Who likes it? and why?

    In critical care, knowing the details is looking at the whole picture of a patient. I'd be willing to bet that there are med/surg nurses who love what they do but would like to be able to pay attention to those details. They are just usually so slamm...
  2. Bidding For Shifts

    Actually what I've heard ending up happening with this method of staffing is that if two or more nurses are vying for a particular shift, they will bid each other down in pay and the employer will of course take the nurse who bids lowest to save mone...
  3. Med-Surg nursing... Who likes it? and why?

    I LOVE this post!!
  4. phlebostatic axis?

    I think there's a clue in here too: (click on the "Banjo Man" arrow - requires Flash player) :nuke:
  5. phlebostatic axis?

    Hey j. I'm pretty sure the answer to your question is in this thread. And it wasn't me. There is another possibility that I can think of. It's not necessarily a "part" of the heart, but it is in the heart. Sorry to be so elusive, but I think you'd ...
  6. Disposable IV Canunulation Sets

    Sheesh! It was an adjustment when we changed our charge system about 5 years ago, but I really didn't like those stickers! I'm happy to not have yellow stickers plastered all over my arm anymore. I would sometimes find those yellow things in the str...
  7. phlebostatic axis?

    Also, something else to think of..... what is the phlebostatic axis used for? There is a term that includes the word "point" (not reference point).
  8. phlebostatic axis?

    Let me try again.... Does the instructor mean what is "level" with the phlebostatic axis? Such as if you were to hold a yard stick perpendicular to this reference point what would be at the end of the yard stick opposite the phlebostatic axis? Or as ...
  9. phlebostatic axis?

    nevermind.....duh I re-read the original post.
  10. Disposable IV Canunulation Sets

    We have them but i never use them How hard is it to grab a tourniquet, alchol swab, a 2x2, some tape and an op-site? Most of these things are already in my pocket. I think they just create unecessary waste. Cost effective? I doubt it.
  11. Does anyone else feel like...

    OP - I understand what you're saying. When I came out of nursing school and began working as a real nurse I felt like a complete fraud. FRAUD. I just couldn't believe that I was being trusted with such an important (and scarey) responsibility. It too...
  12. Med-Surg nursing... Who likes it? and why?

    ACK!!! No, no, no. A new grad gets plenty of practice in developing organizational skill in the ICU. There are also an abundance of things to "keep track of"'s just different than the kind of stuff that is kept track of in med/surg. OP you can ...
  13. Need some solid answers

    It looks like you didn't get to finish your thought? Happens to me all the time!!!! :) If you are saying that it's okay for propofol to run with other drips, I want to disagree and here's why:
  14. Respecting pt's wishes vs doing what's best

    I would personally sit down at the bedside of this patient and go over the plan of turning with her and allow her some input. I wouldn't really give her the choice of whether or not she gets turned but I would give her some input. I may be nit-picki...
  15. Who does your IABPs

    Wait. What exactly does "manage the iabp" mean when the RT is managing it? Does that mean timing, charting, etc? Can someone explain. If the patient with an iabp needs intervention who decides what needs to be done (fluid bolus, titrating trips, etc)...
  16. Question about transporting patients + equipment

    BIG value. My facility uses the IV poles that can be attached to the head of the bed and then lifted off the ground by raising the bed for transport. No fumbling with anything but the bed itself. It's great. Something you might want to remember is th...
  17. help surviving orientation

    You are one smart cookie!! :) I applaud you for recognizing and getting out of a situation that was not good for you. More nurses need to do this! You are going to make a fine critical care RN. It will still take a while to really grasp onto things,...
  18. "Lean" Health Care????

    And this is exactly what gives me hesitation. I just don't like the idea of a group coming in thinking they can improve my job without really knowing what my job entails. JUST like the restructuring of the 90's. It's more for administration and the b...
  19. "Lean" Health Care????

    This sounds interesting, I've never heard of it. I will check this thread often for more responses. I just want to say one thing. I just hope that because the number of steps a nurse takes during a shift is reduced or whatever else is done to make ou...
  20. how true

    Calling suzanne4, paging suzanne4.... mayflower2000, I don't know the answer to your question but I have no doubt that the poster I'm calling above does. She's very good at all things foreign. :) Hopefully she will find this thread and answer your ...
  21. Vital Sign Frequency with Vasoactive Infusions

    It's not necessarily a requirement but as it turns out it is a standard in our unit. Nipride especially works very quickly and when it's being actively titrated and I don't have an art-line, I just like to keep a close eye on pressures. Also, we do...
  22. It's official, I'm stupid!

    This bears repeating. Thank you pp for stating so eloquently that sacrificing breaks is just one of the symptoms of a very very ill nursing profession. Why is it so outrageous to take care of ourselves and patients too? Reading replies here by those...
  23. Worried about too much accountability.......

    Thank God this does not happen in CA - anymore. I wouldn't be a (working bedside) nurse if it did. What the OP describes is a HUGE contributing factor to why I took nearly a year off nursing after watching my dad waste away for 3 months and then die ...
  24. I wonder what you all think about an RN looking for work and placing an ad on craigslist? Is it an okay way to let employers know that an RN is looking? Or is it tacky or unprofessional? Just wondering. I want to look for a part time job in a very sp...
  25. RN advertising availablitiy on craigslist?

    Thanks very much for the replies. What you all write is just as I suspected. I might try monster and I think our local newpaper has a resume posting tool as well. I got such a great response to a yard sale I put on craigslist, I thought well.....LOL...