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All Content by Hpets

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I just started the program, this fall, and we are already having problems. I HATE IT already. Our Prof, clinicals instructor, and the program are all on a different page. No one knows whats going on and the dept. is not telling anyone...
  2. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    The minimum TEAS score that was accepted to the RN program was at 80%. There are students who have not yet responded to their acceptance, which means the School of Nursing will begin contacting students in the order that they are ranked to fill those...
  3. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    Yeah 85 is not true cuz my cousin got a 80 and he got in
  4. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    OK thanks
  5. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    CONCRATS to u
  6. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    What's the name of the advisor u spoke to PLEASE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! because I, too, went to speak to an advisor. She told me that she cant let me know if I got in or not because they dont know and that I'll have to wait for an email and acceptanc...
  7. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    Exactly....I actually went in because Im taking a class(hsc0003) at the campus. I spoke to an advisor, a guy at advisement desk, and the nursing dept. They all gave me a different story. Guy at desk--said emails been going out since wednesday and wil...
  8. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    ^^^meant told maybe this weekend
  9. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    I just called...again... and was today maybe this weekend or Monday by tuesday everyone should know. Also she said calls where due to the fact that they changed from letters to emails and wanted eveyone to know about the change, to be on the look out...
  10. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    Good luck but each advisors give students different info...I was told monday by a male advisor. I dont think they reallt know whats going on. They nursing dept. should have their own set of advisors. IDk anymore we'll just have to wait and see, I gue...
  11. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    I applied to both LPN and RN...74.7 teas and 3.2>> overall score is 76.82
  12. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    Just call--- they said they are not calling alphabetically, it random and that who ever gets a call doesnt mean they're in. We just have to wait for next week, he said.
  13. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    No call neither....my last name begans with a G
  14. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    So am I....I cried today cuz of my nerves. I'll be a walking zombie untill then LOL
  15. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    500 sounds about right....someone else said 5000 and I had a heart attack LOL
  16. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    I just called and I was told the same thing. Emails will be sent out next week and she couldnt tell me the cut-out. My fingers are so cross SO......GOOD LUCK ALL!!!!!!!
  17. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    I'm taking it this summer too. I'm appling to both RN and LPN. I'm taking it for the LPN cus its need. I"m taking it MW morning GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE Hopefully the letters do go out b4 august
  18. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    I agree with yall... i thoughts the same when she said july- mid august. And I asked her would that be enough time to get all the paperwork done; she said it will be a week or two weeks to get thing done. IDK now, if other advisor told other student...
  19. MDC Fall 2011 =)

    Hey I'm new to this but n e who. I, too, am appling or have applied to the Gen. RN(ft) and LPN program. RN is my first choice and LPN is just for back up. I was told, by an adv., that 120-180 are accepted to the RN program and that letters may go ou...