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All Content by ShellGVSU

  1. Tired and annoyed

    Any one have advice as to finding another job in this *awesome* Michigan economy? I've been a psych nurse for almost 3 years. It's not me, I'm not enjoying it and where I work the supervisors don't help either. I've stayed longer than I've wanted but...
  2. Psych nursing to start out?

    I am currently a Psych nurse. I really didn't want to start out there but it pretty much was the only job I could find after school and that was also 6 months after I graduated. It's not I don't like Psych nursing I've found not to be my cup of tea. ...
  3. I would also like to know this. I have applied a couple times and had one interview. I applied again another time and the position was re-filled by a nurse that left (ironically to work where I have been working and been fired). The job description s...
  4. Not Using Kaplan???

    Am I completely screwed if I didn't use Kaplan? Seems like everyone is using Kaplan!!! I'm using Saunders Q&A and my Hurst Review material. But I look at everyone's posts and the majority use Kaplan and say it's better!! Taking my test on June 29...
  5. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    I passed my boards on June 29th and I have my license. Granted I don't really have experience besides clinicals but I don't understand why I haven't even had one interview or at least a phone call! Everyone told me getting a job would be easy!! Now I...
  6. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Well I dunno I have to take the time off everything is booked I can't not do all the stuff. Well hopefully it will be ok. Suppose to hear back this week I think it went well though. I think they only had 1 or 2 interviews and the girl before me was a...
  7. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Well I'm pretty much ready for my interview. She told me not to bring anything but I thought I'd bring a little folder with a legal pad of paper and a back up resume and my mini license and my transcripts all in the folder just in case. Got my out fi...
  8. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Thanks I'll let you know how it works, I still haven't heard back about when the interview is. She called on Saturday (weird?) but I don't think she works monday or tuesday because I tried to call and set up a time and she wasn't in and then today he...
  9. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    No because I haven't told any about that stuff. I haven't been on a interview so they don't know! But I do have good news I was called for an interview on fri for a PHN position. Part-time but I least I'd get my foot in the door!!! Wish me luck!
  10. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Ummmmmm how did this get turned into a debate about the sexes??
  11. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Thanks truern I will try that I haven't thought about that before and at this point I will try any thing!
  12. Trouble Finding a Job as New Graduate??

    I graduated with a BSN degree still no job! Gonna call a nurse recruiter about a part time PACU position tomorrow. Hopefully I can at least get an interview, keep your fingers crossed!!
  13. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Well I can't really locate out of state so that doesn't work my fiance has a decent job working for the state great benefits just not that much pay and my family situation won't let me do that. I never thought about contacting the head of a floor tho...
  14. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    Well a lot of people that I was in school with had jobs as CNA's or some position in the hospital and got jobs through that route. Some people got jobs during their leadership rotation which I could have done but the management on that floor was not ...
  15. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    lol yeah it might have to be a "shotgun" wedding! :chuckle
  16. The most horrible things instuctor's say...

    Gosh you guys seem to have harsh instructors. Ours weren't that bad or I guess I never had any trouble. We did have a teacher she didn't teach clinical but our first semester she told us all that we were the worst class she has ever had.......come to...
  17. I can't find a job!!!!! AHAHHA

    I didn't have a resume made before my exam I just figured I'd concentrate on the test. Which was good. But this job thing is getting ridiculous. I might have a chance at this one hospital they seem to be the only ones I have had communication with an...
  18. 150 questions?

    Mine shut off around 148-149 and I passed so don't worry you can do it even with the oddest number it shut off at. Plus I'm not a good test taker and I swore up and down I failed made myself almost sick. But I did it! Now I just need a job and this s...
  19. I passed and my test stopped some where between 147-149. Just got my license in the mail over the weekend! So there is hope!
  20. NCLEX Results!!!!

    Michelle's NCLEX Results: PASS!!!!!! I just found out today! I was shaking putting in my credit card info! I screamed and cried! This just goes to show you can pass in the 140's! It shut off around 147-149. Now I can get a job and pay for my wedding ...
  21. NCLEX Results!!!!

    I think Hurst review helped a lot they taught you in a way to connect things that were hard to connect in nursing school. They give you a lot of info and practice questions. I didn't do their online review because I didn't have any more money. Also, ...
  22. Percentage to pass in your state?

    I'm sure the lady meant 85% is the amount of students that pass the first time. If you look at the info it says that 86% of students that take the NCLEX (in the US) pass the first time. I'm sure she just meant that WI is at that rate.
  23. time frame for nclex results?

    I took mine thurs morning and found out I passed a little while ago! So yes Pearson posts all weekend! Good Luck!
  24. Poll for those who have already taken NCLEX..

  25. results over the weekend??????

    That's how I felt I had one math right in the beginnging a few select all that apply TONS of meds, priority, infection control, some labs pretty much a Hodge Podge. I honestly thought I failed especially how it shut of around 148 one of the oddest pl...