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About shadowness

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  1. New York NP Question

    I know the difference. I meant what I wrote. The psychologist and psychiatrist were both unaware of the role of an NP. Learn to read and stop jumping to conclusions. I'm not sure why you're so angry...
  2. New York NP Question

    Why the aggressive/insulting response? I'm not here to write a paper; just to ask a question. I know the laws but I want to make sure because it is not crystal clear on the NY state website. You are...
  3. New York NP Question

    Cliff notes: I'm a new grad NP - less than 6 months experience. I was working in private practice psych with an NP and a psychiatrist at the office who agreed to be my collaborator. My boss and I had...
  4. NYP New grad position

    Wait amn changed it now from med surg to
  5. NYP New grad position

    awesome kat! i believe that ANM uses nursefinders to register people so it is one in the same. Gotham is another agency that is a sister company of ANM. What did you tell her? I really hope they call...
  6. NYP New grad position

    as hard of a decision as it was, i decided to turn down that position at the agency today. it is simply not feasible for me to agree to the contract that they were offering. it really sucks because i...
  7. NYP New grad position

    kaatydid your inbox is full by the way
  8. NYP New grad position

    runner did you go in june or july because it seems all the june people are getting called
  9. NYP New grad position

    I got the same deal as you guys. Both agencies are apparently same thing. Im not sure what im going to do. I agree with the other poster that if it was a few months i could grin and bare it but this...
  10. NYP New grad position

    i emailed ---- and all i got was a generic email back that had nothing to do with what i
  11. NYP New grad position

    yeah but your interview is for the 20 nurse program so if its 2 days of interviews you'd think the people are already
  12. NYP New grad position

    you guys think we still have a chance to get a call this week or is it all
  13. NYP New grad position

    congrats teddy. what time did they call you today? did you go in june or july i
  14. NYP New grad position

    Did they really say respond
  15. NYP New grad position

    They just called me. All they asked was whether I was still interested in the med surg program and if i had found a job yet. She said it would be starting in oct or nov and that she'd update my file...