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About eagle78

I was an aspiring nursing student who got shifted to graduate school hopefully to do cancer research in the end.

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  1. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    GrnTea and TN Butterfly thank you so much for keeping us updated. I am so glad to hear ESME is progressing. Keep on ESME, can't keep a good one
  2. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    Sorry to hear the news about ESME, I am drained so I can imagine how she must feel... My hope is "this too shall pass"! We really miss you ESME, of course my prayers are with you
  3. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    Whoo Whoo!!! Go ESME, and thank you so much for this wonderful news. You are an angel for keeping us
  4. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    Thank you sooo much for the update, I kept coming to the thread hoping to see this. That prayer has been answered, and I know my prayers for ESME will also. Keep up the good fight ESME, you have...
  5. I am a patient sitter, something to help pay the bills while in graduate school. When I sit in a patient's room I have no problem doing whatever it takes to make that patient comfortable. For me it...
  6. Nooo, say it ain't
  7. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    Hope you get back soon, you are truly missed. Please know that your wonderful and informative posts have been very enlightening to a person who is not a nurse, ME!! My prayers are with you and your...
  8. This was very powerful. I am not a nurse, but I have seen a person go through a seizure. Your words brought back the images. Thank you for relaying it with so much
  9. Educate me about LinkedIn - please!

    Thanks Hopes1 and Probitas, this helps a
  10. Educate me about LinkedIn - please!

    I wasn't asking for any pertinent information, I just wanted a general understanding about what an appropriate group
  11. Educate me about LinkedIn - please!

    HouTx, I am interested in getting contacted by recruiters, is the key to that joining LinkedIn groups?? That is not something I have done as yet. When you say "appropriate", I am curious as to what...
  12. Educate me about LinkedIn - please!

    I also have a profile, and I am just as confused as you are about what to do with
  13. What makes a COB crusty?

    Hmm, is that the "cost of living raise" us non-nurses used to get?? I am not a nurse, but I will say I have enough crust in me to be a COB. Crusty old bats are in every
  14. Is This Bullying?

    Noooo, say it aint
  15. Is This Bullying?

    I guess they made you an offer you could not