RN 26

RN 26 RN


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  1. Saudi- MOH

    The interview depends on your area of expertise. The interviewer would cite a scenario and will give out objective questions. In my case, since I'm an ER/OR nurse, he asked me if a patient arrives at the ER with head trauma injury, what will be my co...
  2. Saudi- MOH

    @lyfer. I also googled for Eman hospital which is by the way in Riyadh, my mistake. It was unfortunate that I also have the same result, no EMAN HOSPITAL. But it was indicated in my OA. Anyways, I suddenly had a change of mind that I already dropped ...
  3. Saudi- MOH

    Thanks Lyfer... my area of assignment is Eman hosp in Jeddah.. I hope this institution has a good feedback regarding my concern.. Is the contract renewable for a year or do I have to finish the 2 yr term stated in the OA? Honestly I still have qualms...
  4. Saudi- MOH

    Hello. I was given a medical referral yesterday and went to POEA earlier for some sort of orientation and they give out offer of appointment to chosen applicants. I was taken aback because the salary offer was 3150 sr despite of my 9 year experience ...