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  1. Questions: 1. Do you circulate your c sections? Does your unit provide the scrub tech & baby nurse also? Yes...we also are trained to scrub & assist as RNs, & we have a neonatologist and a...
  2. When do you open up your Pitocin?

    We give 500 LR with 30 units of Pit infusing to gravity as soon as the placenta is delivered. Most of our docs have standing orders and expect the RN to start free-flowing Pit as soon as we hear them...
  3. How long is orientation for new grads on your unit?

    I'm a new grad in L&D and I'm doing a 9 week orientation. I precepted on the unit for about 4-5 months while I was finishing my BSN. 6 weeks of my orientation are on L&D, 1 week on Antepartum,...
  4. NCLEX freak out

    Thanks guys! I am seeing a trend with most of the people who took 75 questions and thought it was a monster. I just hope that it works that way for me, too! I did a whole lot of Saunders (from the...
  5. NCLEX freak out

    I took it in AL...we have the fast results check, so I'll know on Thursday. I have GOT to find something to preoccupy my time! Right now I'm just obsessing and 2nd guessing everything! I have no idea...
  6. NCLEX freak out

    Just finished taking NCLEX-RN. It cut off at 75 questions...I think I only knew about 3 of the answers for sure. It was the hardest thing that I've ever taken -- it made HESI seem easy! I am so scared...
  7. How many May graduates?

    YAY!!! Congrats everyone!!! I start my job orientation Monday, May 22 for Labor & Delivery... Waiting for my ATT to take NCLEX!!! I'm SO ready to be an RN!!!! Good Luck!!!
  8. how do you like your job?

    Hi! You asked a great question...maybe I can help a bit! I will graduate in May and I have been hired as an L & D nurse. I have a BA in Psych and a Master's in Counseling. You are wise to steer...
  9. NICU here I come...

    Yay! Congratulations! How do y'all decide where students go for preceptorship? We do a lottery and I'm hoping that there will still be a chance to actually get where I want.... Congrats again!...
  10. Birth Control Patch Warning

    I'm so glad that this warning is already posted. I had my L & D clinical yesterday and the nurses were telling us to tell all of our friends who are on it, because evidently, very young women are...
  11. Huntsville Hospital v. Crestwood...

    Wow! Thanks for the reply. I am sorry that they were "snobby" to you at Crestwood. I guess it doesn't really surprise me. I just expect HR folks to be excited to see RNs...because they are the...
  12. Need direction on postpartum project I hope these help...I just used them in a post-partum teaching assignment!
  13. calhoun community college (huntsville/decatur)

    Hi! I am in my next-to-last semester in UAH's nursing program! There are a million arguments for ADN vs. BSN and I'm not even going to go there! In my opinion, that's a personal choice =) But, what I...
  14. L&D nurses who worked other floors first

    Thanks for the quick reply! As a soon-to-be new grad, which would you recommend doing FIRST? I have a huge interest in both and I don't want to make a mistake! Thanks again!!!
  15. L&D nurses who worked other floors first

    Anyone work NICU