

Med-Surg/Neuro/Oncology floor nursing.

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About Munch

Munch has 10 years experience and specializes in Med-Surg/Neuro/Oncology floor nursing..

I work in an inner-city teaching hospital in New York City. I work Neuro med-surg. I have previous experience working oncology and regular med-surg.

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  1. 100 mile commute. Worth it?

    If the commute is your only concern I would take it. 50 miles isn't so bad. I commute daily from the suburbs to the city 45 minutes to an hour each way. Most of the time I take the train though do to...
  2. "Safe Injection Houses"- What's This?

    Enabling? You think not having a supervised injection site around is going to keep drug use down? They will just use in pubic restrooms or in the park or wherever. Having a place to do drugs is the...
  3. "Safe Injection Houses"- What's This?

    I haven't read all of the responses yet apologies if I am redundant. I am all for harm reduction. As a nurse anything to help keep a person alive can't be a bad thing. The idea that safe injection...
  4. Was it verbal abuse? Y/N or maybe?

    Definitely NOT verbal abuse. Part of being a nurse is to EDUCATE our patients which is exactly what you did. You didn't say anything that wasn't true and while I wasn't there it doesnt seem like you...
  5. This is not what I thought it was

    Jeez I'm so sorry no rest for the weary when it comes to nursing huh? I really had to adjust when I first started with my medical problems. I had a craniotomy that fixed the original problem but left...
  6. Was I wrong?

    Me too I would never want her as my nurse either. Thankfully the patient I was talking about will be going home tomorrow. A good friend of mine that floats on that unit often told me the patient is...
  7. Did you contract anything from a patient?

    I had a couple of co-workers get stuck with needles one from a HIV positive patient and one from a Hep C patient. Luckily they both came back negative. Both of them left direct bedside care as they...
  8. Should nurses be able to listen to music at work?

    I'm the same way. It drives me nuts when I hear people singing or humming especially because more often than not its off key and out of
  9. Was I wrong?

    Thank you for that information! We see such a huge population of sickle cell patients in my hospital as well. Actually when I came on that day I was covering I found it odd the patient wasn't on a...
  10. Was I wrong?

    I totally agree with what you are saying. I am a big believer in harm reduction and while I DO NOT think we should be giving every addict that walks through their doors a fix but we aren't going to...
  11. Was I wrong?

    I was reading an old thread about a patient that was an addict and was prescribed something like a Vicodin for a really painful condition and the Vicodin wasn't working. One of the nurses on this...
  12. Was I wrong?

    I was reading an old thread about a patient that was an addict and was prescribed something like a Vicodin for a really painful condition and the Vicodin wasn't working. One of the nurses on this...
  13. Was I wrong?

    That's the thing though the patient didn't really show signs of being a drug seeker. She had maybe one or two admissions to the hospital since 2016 and maybe 4 or 5 visits to the ED since 2016. She...
  14. Was I wrong?

    Yes the whole diverting theory is all speculation and is nothing more than a theory. I would never report her unless I had hard evidence she was diverting medications. She has been working at the...
  15. Was I wrong?

    Yeah I am definitely in agreement. She really did overreact. The thing is I don't have any hard evidence and making an accusation like that with little to no proof can really have damaging...