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  1. Nurses, do you routinely do beds and baths?

    yes, that is an important part of my
  2. Nursing and Piercings?

    My students have all kinds of piercings, ears (multiple), nose, eyebrow, lips, tongue, between their teeth, navel and I guess other places too. They also have all kinds of haircolouring, from bright...
  3. Cheating In School

    sharing notes on lecutres is not cheating in my eyes. There always were and always will be students who cheat. When nobody notices, they did a good job on the cheating too! When I notice someone...
  4. Pneumatic tube systems....

    love it! We even had a small elevator-system in one of the hospitals in Holland. you could put one of those small crates (you know, similar to the ones you can put in you car for your ´groceries) in...
  5. Wow, Carol, I am really relieved! breaks my heart to think of all those bonbons getting drunk in your martini! LOL Heather, please one Spritzer white for me and another for Carol, thanks! And put some...
  6. Holy Mary and Joseph, girl you are not going to put these delicious, precious Godivas into your martini, now do you? Be glad, to walz a real good Spritzer over to you, though. edited to write glad...
  7. geleesa, I do hope you won't forget it yourself in a few years. ( I know what I am talking about since I am an educator over here and have had 100 of students complaining.........a few years later, I...
  8. Songs that you can relate to nursing.

    "night nurse" from Simply
  9. Functional / Team Nursing

    Well, sorry for your instructor, but team nursing is still done here in most hospitals. And I personally like it a lot! First of all, when your unit (up to 15 patients, depends on the speciality of...
  10. Anybody work in a religious hospital?

    I was trained in a catholic hospital and worked in a few others afterwards. In all these hospitals, management was "worldly", simply because there aren't enough nuns around any longer. The few left,...
  11. Nurses & Retirement $$$

    Must tell my hubby immediately!
  12. Nurses & Retirement $$$

    The benies might be great in at a government job, but you have to work till
  13. I Got The Nicu Job!!!

    Congrats, Tracy and good
  14. Still encountering racism on the job

    Farsi is spoken in
  15. Admirable qualities

    good nerves and all the qualities you summed up