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About ChooSoul

I'm cute enough to stop a heart, skilled enough to restart a heartbeat.

Latest Activity

  1. I gained 7 pounds in 2 months.
  2. So, I work nights. 12 hours. How do people like me stay healthy and in shape? I am always very tired after work. I am always eating anything to stay awake during the night. When I am off, I am mostly...
  3. Antibiotics administration.

    So I have a pt who came in with cellulitis and he is on many antibiotics but he has impaired renal function so they have been giving low doses. 1 day ago, his renal function started to get better so...
  4. I think I'm gonna quit nursing

    Informatics is interesting because it relates to technology but I still have no idea what exactly nurse informaticists really
  5. I think I'm gonna quit nursing

    That sounds amazing. What is the new career youre going
  6. I think I'm gonna quit nursing

    Med surg icu are definitely stressful and exhuasting. Many times have i gotten sick while working and had to go to ER. I'm so done with hospitals but i need income. Im gonna check out psych and...
  7. I think I'm gonna quit nursing

    Nursing is my first real job. Before that, the closest to work i did was volunteering and thats its. I want to go into arts or something creative, like the performing arts. Something that doesnt...
  8. I think I'm gonna quit nursing

    I dont want to be a nurse anymore. I don't want to be in the medical field anymore. Im not just feeling burnt out, underappreciated, drained in all aspects, and all kinds of stressed out. I just feel...
  9. Will my GPA of 3.4 even make the cut for CRNA school? I just know its not enough to compete with others who are vying for a seat in a CRNA program everywhere. But at the same time I am hopeful that I...
  10. Does your administrator have a college degree

    That is weird... To be an administrator, if you're not a medical professional, you need to have at least a degree in business administration or something. If she has no degree at all, then that is...
  11. I would like to have some advice because Im considering becoming a crna. I am currently working as an ICu rn in a level 3 hospital. Im planning to apply to crna school in 1.5 to 2 years from now....
  12. What is the difference? I know that you need at least a masters degree. As far as autonomy, does a DNP needs to be working under an MD? because I know that NPs have to work under an MD. Or is a DNP...
  13. ICU Charge nurse Vs. ICU floor nurse to become CRNA

    I'm a new ICU nurse, and even I think this is scary. I suggest just get the regular position and not the charge. I dont think it matters very much if you were charge or a staff nurse in a CRNA...
  14. Hi I am a new ICU RN and I am looking for a "brain sheet" to use when I go to work and get reports for my patients. I'm new, just got hired right into ICU (still in orientation) and when I get to the...
  15. That is great to know. Thanks! You got a A, congrats! I could only sign up for 1 class this summer and it started yesterday, its nur3345. I just failed the orientation quiz... I know... of all...