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About humiliated

introvered, driven rebel

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  1. nurses who self injure

    I am against self mutilation in the sense that a person should not be harming herself/himself, however, mutilating oneself does not necessary mean someone is not able to perform their job. We all...
  2. New BSN grads regret starting NP school?

    I have been working as a ER nurse for 6 months and am already enrolled in a NP program part-time. Most programs have beginning core classes like research, theory, issues, etc. so you really don't need...
  3. New grad in ER.. ADVICE PLEASE!!!

    I started out brand new in the ER 6 months ago and felt similar to how you feel now. I have made is six months and feel very confident on some nights and then feel like an idiot on others. As time...
  4. C/S as a birth option vs need

    I can't believe we have come to a time when women are so freaking shallow that they are so busy trying to please theire husbands. To maintain one's body? Having a c-section so a woman's lady parts...
  5. What to do about tech refusing to get VS?

    I am so sorry you had to deal with that BS DutchgirlRN. I am a new nurse, and I had a similar problem. I work in the ER and it gets busy down there as expected. I once asked the tech if he could...
  6. Concerned about this and other sites

    This is a copy of the letter I sent to the Kansas State Board of Nursing regarding my info being listed on the website. I will update everyone when I get a reply from the BON. I'm writing in regards...
  7. Concerned about this and other sites

    I saw my name on the site as well. I think I will be contacting my state board of nursing to see if this site is legal and see if they are able to obtain what info the site discloses about
  8. Male Chest Hair and Scrub Tops

    Farkinott, Must you be so graphic!? I really don't care about what your chest hair looks like or if your woman finds it attractive. Or if you work with a lesbian as though you must say that when...
  9. What do you think about nurses who become nurses just for the sake of becoming a nurse practitioner? Do you think one must enjoy being an RN in order to make a good nurse practitioner or do you think...
  10. Male Chest Hair and Scrub Tops

    Personally I don't like the sight of chest hair and somewhat find it unprofessional to have it hanging out of scrubs. Women aren't allowed to show their chest so neither should men. Kinda like at...
  11. ER nurses compared to EMT's

    I'm not sure where you work but, in our ER the nurses and those that bring the patients in (paramedics and EMTs) are very different. I would say that the prehospital care is very important, however...
  12. When to start graduate school?

    I'm kinda in your position too. I have worked as a RN for only 3 months in the ER and will be starting school next month to become a nurse practitioner. I have had some people praise me and others...
  13. Is putting an arm in a sling the doctor has casted a doctor or nursing intevention? IN other words, do you need a MD's order to put someone's hurt arm in a sling in order to prevent them from running...
  14. Hematoma caused by phlebotomist

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try that next time. Hopefully there won't be a next time. I have applied my nursing knowledge to treat
  15. Today I went complete my physical for pre-employment at a hospital I going to be working at. Since I was going to be working in the ER they recommended I get a Rubello titer drawn. First the...