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All Content by caregiver1977

  1. Banning food products in school due to student allergies

    Who actually enforces the ban and makes sure it is enforced? How do you check to see that no one is carrying a peanut product in their pocket, book bag, etc? More and more I see where schools are NOT preparing children for the real world.
  2. Something for all you school nurses...

    First off, I am not a nurse. I am a caregiver for a diabetic relative who has mobility issues due to a stroke. I am also a teacher assistant for a first grade class in a school that has a large population of health-challenged students (mentally and...
  3. Was asked if I was bisexual?!?!?

    Yesterday I had an appointment at a sliding scale clinic. I had my yearly pelvic exam/Pap smear. The doctor asked me questions before she got started, one of them being if I was bisexual. I was so shocked that I couldn't gather my wits enough to as...
  4. Men in OB/Peds Nursing....Any thoughts?....

    I know you hate to think it, but not all nurses (or doctors) are that professional. Some of them do make rude comments about body parts or losing control of your body right to the patient (I have witnessed this happen and it has happened to me; I am...
  5. CNA's in school nursing

    I work at a school where there is a large population of of health and metally challenged students. Some students do have a CNA/medical assistant that follows them around all day assisting with their medical needs. I do know, at my school, they are ...
  6. Something for all you school nurses...

    Our RN here is not full-time at this school. She shares her time at other schools. I don't know who would give the medication if she is not here and a student needs it. I am sure there is a plan, it is just that I don't know it.
  7. Something for all you school nurses...

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  8. Something for all you school nurses...

    I have never had to do this for any of my children. Is it so hard to get proper documentation. Couldn't that be done in the doctor's office when the doctor is prescribing the medication?
  9. Something for all you school nurses...

    Not only could you lose your license, but if what if another child takes the medication that some student brought (like in this case) and the child gets sick, has an allergic reaction, dies, etc.? That would be horrible, and that could have happened ...
  10. Stupid teachers/principals (vent)!!!

    I agree with those that say the principal was trying to cover his/her butt.
  11. Something for all you school nurses...

    The nurse says she has learned her lesson and next time in a situation like this she will keep it in her office. This is still a pretty hot issue at the school, so people are still discussing it.
  12. Something for all you school nurses...

    You hit the nail on the head when you said that part I put in bold. It was like you were here when it happened! I found out today that the child was never taught not to play with the inhaler or to share it with other students. The child was not sup...
  13. Something for all you school nurses...

    Yes, this was a first grader. Not a very mature one at that. I found out a few minutes ago that the child was never told by the parents not to ever play with it or share it with other students. Since the child was not supposed to know that it was ...
  14. Something for all you school nurses...

    From what I understand, this was what the mother wanted, and she was trying to do it as a favor to the mom. Our school nurse is not at this school full-time, so maybe she was trying to compensate for that?
  15. Men in OB/Peds Nursing....Any thoughts?....

    I'd much rather have the OP there than the OB doctor I had that made a rude comment when I had a bowel movement while pushing. I don't know what he was expecting to come out of me. Maybe he was disappointment that the winning lottery numbers didn't...
  16. Something for all you school nurses...

    First off, I am not a nurse. I am a caregiver for a diabetic relative who has mobility issues due to a stroke. I am also a teacher assistant for a first grade class in a school that has a large population of health-challenged students (mentally and...
  17. Nurse as a patient...

    Then wouldn't they give a bad stereotype to everyone?
  18. Reducing visits to the nurse

    I am an assistant in a 1st grade class. We have every child's medical sheet on file in the class. We also have a first aide kit that contains bandaids, anti-itch cremes, antiseptics, etc. We use those things as needed, and since we have the medica...
  19. What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

    I think that is great! Better you than me doing the cartwheel!!! Do you think she understands exactly what can happen if she doesn't start complying?
  20. Extra Clothes

    In our district pre-K and Kindergarten are supposed to have a set of clothes just like they are supposed to have school supplies. It is supposed to be required. I don't know what they do for the older grades. Spare clothes are provided for them if...
  21. The Mockery of Nursing

    My husband says that the only definition of fair is "a place where you ride rides, play games, and eat cotton candy."
  22. The Mockery of Nursing

    oooooo!!! Ooohhhh!!!! Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!
  23. The Mockery of Nursing

    School teachers have to become certified. Many people who get their education in education (heh heh) can't teach because they can't pass the test. And to someone else, I am one of those "civilians" on this board. However, I pretty much know when to...
  24. May I give a compliment?

    My daughter was running a high fever Monday night and I took her to my local ER. I live in the central part of the state of Mississippi. The ER was busier than I had ever seen it (I don't visit the ER much at all, so it might be that busy more ofte...
  25. May I give a compliment?

    UPDATE!! Yesterday I received a call from the hospital wanting to know how my daughter was doing and if I had gotten my prescriptions, received follow-up care, etc. She also wanted to know how the ER visit went and if I was satisfied with my care. ...