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All Content by Ms.Dre22

  1. CU Spring 2012 Applicants

    Chyna016, The same thing happened to me too!!!! I really needed the health Assesment lab that was from 1-6p on Mondays! I had to pick the Thursday 7a-12p lab instead, my schedule is all over the place now. Oh well its a learning experience for next ...
  2. Hi Kessie87, I agree with Chyna016. I also wrote about a problem I solved. I helped a lady who was having a seizure, while we were waiting at a bus stop. It was a very scary situation, but I needed to be calm, and help her the best way that I could. ...
  3. Call Listed for CU Denver 2012 Start???

    Hey Nursestobe! Looks like I will be seeing you soon! I too was accepted for the traditional program! I received the call on August 24th! Whew I'm so glad that part is over. Tomorrow I am going to go and pay my deposit:yelclap:
  4. Hello Everyone! I wanted to start this thread for those who have been placed on the call list at CU for the 2012 start date. I, being one of those call listers just thought it would be a great source of encouragement if we could come here and share o...
  5. Regis Spring 2012 (as well as CU and Metro)

    Congrats Graceful88! I was recently accepted from UC Denver's call/alternate list for Spring 2012. Boy do I know the feeling. So let the nursing journey begin...
  6. CU Spring 2012 Applicants

    Hey Guys, So I know you all have probably read my depressing post about me being call listed, well I am glad to announce that I am no longer in that boat because as of today I have been accepted into the traditional program!!! OMG that was the longe...
  7. CU Denver Nursing Spring 2012

    Cdids, THANK YOU! seriously, thank you. I really needed some kind of encouragment to help me develop some faith, and your post really helped! I have followed your, as well as some of your classmates ( limemade) post as well, and was so excited for y...
  8. CU Denver Nursing Spring 2012

    Hi Kristin6608, You are so right.. the call list is indeed torture, but like you said, it could be much worse! We, the call listers have until Sept 15th to respond wanting to remain on the list (I sent mine right away ) Maybe the acceptees have the...
  9. CU Denver Nursing Spring 2012

    Hey Everyone, I wanted to give a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all that were accepted. To all that were not accepted, I feel for you, all the while feeling very confident that sooner or later you all will live out your dreams of being accepted to a program...
  10. CU Denver BSN Essay

    No problem! I am so glad that you are nearly done with your essay! I am too-well somewhat. I went over the page limit by 5 lines! I am trying desperately to see where I can cut out somethings but since I already cut out A LOT of my details my mind is...
  11. CU Denver BSN Essay

    Hey there competition! lol Thank you for your suggestion on the margins, it helped! At first I was a bit hesistant to change them, but no where on the website did they indicate a margin range right?! And man tell me about it, they ask questions that ...
  12. CCD discontinues ADN nursing program.

    The program is awesome because you do not have to take all your Pre-Reqs at CCA. In your situation if you wanted to apply to the program you will just have to transfer the credits from the classes that you took at CCD to CCA so they can see that you ...
  13. CU Denver BSN Essay

    Hi Linsaylat, I too am applying for CU's 2012 start date. I am struggling with the essay also, my problem is the length. I, for the life of me can not figure out how to condense my essay into the one page that they are asking. My answer to the first ...
  14. CCD discontinues ADN nursing program.

    I really think that CCD is making a great move to create a pathways program. My school CCA opened a pathways program to CU-Denver for the first time last year and it was basically first come first serve, if you applied you were in. I was (honestly st...
  15. UNC Summer 2011

    Hi SD, Sorry, I did not reply sooner, this last semester is really kicking my butt! Anyway, Thanks a million for all your information. Yes, I will be applying to CU this May, I would have turned it in as soon as the application opened but I am just ...
  16. Got accepted by UCD!

    Hi Sourapril, I can't congratulate you enough for your acceptance into CU!! Great Job. I attended an info session earlier this month and was told that a person's essay could really make or break them! So, I was a bit concerned about how my essay is g...
  17. UNC Summer 2011

    SD, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I can't simply thank you enough for taking out the time to explain that to me. I went to UNC for an appointment (that I booked last month sometime) to talk about the program and she mentioned everything you did. Th...
  18. UNC Summer 2011

    Hi SD, I know this thread is a little old but it is never too late to say CONGRATULATIONS! I followed the UC thread too and really felt for you when they turned you down but hey all that is old news for a door leading to a GREAT opprotunity has opene...
  19. Anyone Applying to UCHSC next month?

    Hey lkk0718! Thanks for replying. I completely understand what you mean about beefing up your essay, I too am having a difficult time with that part of the application-but I am going to the info session on April 12th to see if I can get a little more...
  20. Anyone Applying to UCHSC next month?

    Hello all, I love this site and have been a daily reader of the threads for a few years now. However today is the day that I have officially joined (YAY!) Anyway, the reason I am posting today is to see if there are any students that are preparing t...
  21. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi DenverHopeful, I have another question for you...again! lol. I am writing my essay for admission now, and I am a bit stuck. My question is what do you think they are looking for in the essay? I have read a lot of previous postings saying how dive...
  22. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much DenverHopeful for your great advice. I am definitely going to start working on my essay now!
  23. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    opps I meant two W's in A&P and 1 in MAT 135! I know that still is bad, but I think 2 might be just a tad bit better than 3!
  24. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS DenverHopeful and Lindsey14 and to all those accepted for June 2011 classes. I am so excited for you all!! So you all know that someone like me was going to come post some questions for you all, so here I am! LOL. So currently I have...