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All Content by reesepano

  1. I will not have serology for dpt. just a booster shot. So expensive for a serology. What intake will you be in guys?
  2. Thanks. i don't think so. because the clinic will ask for your HAP ID and the form needed for medicals. :) good luck and God bless. :)
  3. i think 200k pesos is sufficient already for a 3 month stay. but i provided them with my parents bank statements together with an affidavit of support from them :)
  4. Hi everyone. Let me share with you my timeline in my application for eligibilty until i got my visa. end of May 2011- I finally decided to pursue my application for Australia. Through the persistent power of my friend who is already a Registered Nur...
  5. i don't think so. there is only a list of countries that are exempted from the BP program as stated in the website. but i guess having a master's degree will help you find a BP provider easily and a job too. Good luck!
  6. I don't think they will accept without the LOE because they will ask for it prior to the phone interview they conduct.I will be having my BP there this april. Do you know any place near the school? Thanks joiemike!
  7. I suggest QLD. got my LOE after 4 mos
  8. RchAmp its [email protected] mail me your num ill contact u!
  9. hi JCpenados. I suggest you apply for your 456 now. i lodged my applic Dec 22 thru VIA and i got the ackno receipt January 7. After that, No emails were sent and i had to follow up personally for my Medical Request. i was delayed because of my Urinal...
  10. rchanp! hello! can we email? send me a private message! :)
  11. Hi guys! hi i hope all is well with you. Who are for IHNA april 2 melbourne intake? and question- are you having problem with your 456 VISA applic? because i lodged mine Dec 22 last year and never got a response until i went there personally for my ...
  12. i will send you an email. :)
  13. hi ned. yes. im processing my visa applic now. i am enrolled for Feb 20 intake in melbourne :)
  14. email sent! :)
  15. a week? or less ata. do you have a personal email. lemme help you.
  16. hi there! try IHNA melbourne for february intake. i think it took me less than a month to apply there (assessment, interview and offer letter). and what i like about IHNA is that you dont have to pay the whole amount of 11000AUD to obtain your Confir...
  17. hi makikay! :) yea i paid for a slot already, waiting for my COA :) try IHNA! i dont know anyone taking their BP there. lezzgo!
  18. hi makikay! im taking IHNA intake in melbourne this feb. how bout you?
  19. Hi guys! anyone here taking the Feb intake of IHNA? Melbourne Campus? thank you!
  20. So enrolled nurse are different from div 2?
  21. So enrolled nurse are different from div 2?
  22. thank you Ceridwyn for that handful info. i just posted that because that's how friends got their registration :) anyhow, thank you for all your help!
  23. Hi peterpandesal and welcome to the forum! I suggest that you grab all possible 'clinical' experience that you can get so that you will be well equipped once you applied for eligibility. However, there are different pathways to consider, i have frien...
  24. try IHNA, AAON :) goodluck and Congrats!
  25. hi there.. definitely you do not hold an Aus Visa as of the moment. so write a letter that you cannot fulfill that as of the moment, and attached is your Passport as a natl identity until you have your Aus visa when you get there :)