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About mgrn2b

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  1. Yes...LOL...sleep is such a precious
  2. I don't think they allow payment plans for summer, but they do for Fall and Spring
  3. I am starting my 2nd year in the accelerated program. I have worked at night 36+ hours/week and maintained a high GPA. In all fairness I am not married nor do I have kids. It is possible to work,...
  4. WHY does a B.S. + RN not equal BSN

    I am just reading your post, and I appreciate you raising the question. I understand and feel your frustration. I have had some of the same questions so I have been trying to read through the posts...
  5. Thanks for the advice Moogie!! I'll check them
  6. I looked into the BSN completion and there are classes that I would have to retake due to them being taken in my graduate program and they will not count my graduate hours toward an undergraduate...
  7. I am in a similar situation. I have a BA, MPH and MBA. I was considering doing a direct entry MSN after finishing my ADN/ASN program. I was informed that the BA is not viewed as an equivalent to...
  8. I am 35 and just completed my summer Nursing Fundamentals course. My school does a conditional admit; if you pass the summer course then you start nursing school in the Fall. I am also in an ADN...
  9. UALR Class of '13

    Congratulations to everyone who has completed our first course--Nursing Fundamentals--and an official welcome to nursing school!! I believe that most would agree that these past few weeks were...
  10. UALR Class of '13

    I sent an e-mail with the same question. Since we wouldn't have had class or clinical before unsupervised practice on Tuesday morning. I was told that I should still come and spend that time in the...
  11. UALR Class of '13

    My name is Marcie. I too have lecture on T/Th 12-3 and clinical on Wednesdays. My unsupervised clinical is T 8-11. I will look for you guys next week...Still have a little more reading to do...How...
  12. University Of Arkansas at Little Rock

    Nursing Fundamentals-- NURS 1300. There is another discussion that was started by nursingstudentAR entitled UALR Class of '13'. We have been posting our schedules there. There aren't many of us on...
  13. That is disheartening. I would hope that schools would be happy have students excel inside and outside of the classroom. I have read other posts which have stated some of the same issues. It seems...
  14. How to survive 1st year of nursing school

    Thanks, I am starting in a couple of weeks...not knowing what to expect is nerve
  15. UALR Class of '13

    They are for our fundamentals class. Supposedly they contain everything we will need for our skills check offs (foleys, bandages/dressings, etc.) We get two opportunities to checkoff on skills and...