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About JuliWB

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  1. RPN to RN bridge too lengthy (Ontario)?

    I guess that makes sense. I love bedside nursing and want to work in the NICU eventually so that is my main motivation. I'm not really interested in managerial roles. I just want to work in more critical settings. I work on a medical floor right now ...
  2. RPN to RN bridge too lengthy (Ontario)?

    I think it depends on where you graduated from as well. I graduated from Georgian PN which is 5 semesters and in comparison has more courses than 4 semester programs. I noticed that there are many differences within the PM programs itself, I took 2 A...
  3. RPN to RN bridge too lengthy (Ontario)?

    You are definitely the first person to say that they found the bridging program adequate in length or valuable in content, so I suppose that's a good thing. Can I ask how long ago you graduated from the PN program and from which school?
  4. Hello! I would love to hear from recent graduates who finished their BScN degrees through bridging programs in Ontario. I have reviewed many bridging programs and am so appalled at the content and length. Every single bridging program has different ...
  5. RPN (Ontario) to BScN

    @Vintage_RN I actually want to work in Labour & deivery and NICU as well. That's a huge reason why I want to do it. It also frustrates me that I virtually do the same job as RNs on my floor, however the pay difference, especially at the 5 and 10 ...
  6. RPN (Ontario) to BScN

    Hello! I have been an RPN for 2.5yrs. I have been considering taking a bridging program for quite some time now and have looked at a lot of the options. Since I have a family of 5 and soon to be 6 I am really only considering the Nipissing bridge or...
  7. @ [COLOR=#003366]sun2bnrse: Congratulations on your acceptance. I want to apply for the RPN program at Georgian for 2014 fall intake . I have a family with two kids so I'm really curious about the schedule. Whenever I approach the program coordinator...
  8. Being a Nurse and Mother in Ontario?

    Oh boy! I got accepted into a RPN program for January intake! What to do now? I've never been so torn over anything. I guess I should mention that I would have to work at least part-time (20-24hrs) if I don't go to school. So whether I'm in school or...
  9. Thanks for your reply. You took the part-time route? Did you go the Orangeville campus? I was looking into part-time but it is not available in Barrie. Do you know if you can enrol in the full-time program and only take a part-time course load?
  10. Being a Nurse and Mother in Ontario?

    Thank you, ladies. Fiona: You really hit the nail on the head for me with what you said about missing out on your child's life. This is the one thing holding me back. I love working (just didn't really love what I was doing...hence the career change...
  11. Hello Everyone: I'm looking into going back to school to become an RPN, specifically at Georgian College. I'm looking for some information from current students or grads. Would love to hear from Moms that went back to school and have kids. 1) How ma...
  12. Hello Ladies: I'm contemplating a career change and am looking into acquiring an RPN (Registered Practical Nurse) diploma in Ontario. I'm looking for some candid views on what it is like to work as a nurse and having a family. I have a 1 year old and...
  13. Part-time RPN Program

    I was planning on going to Barrie. The college is only a 35 minute drive from where I live. Did your courses take a whole semester?
  14. Part-time RPN Program

    Hi Loriangel: I have a quick question for you. I think in previous posts you mentioned that you had to take the pre-requisites (bio and chem) at Georgian. Did you do these online or in class? How much did it cost? Thanks, JuliWB
  15. Part-time RPN Program

    So what I gather from the previous posts is that it should be possible to complete the BScN part-time even if it isn't offered officially on a part-time basis. I didn't know that this is possible. A mom I have met is going to York for Nursing and wh...