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All Content by Karolina2011

  1. Bellevue College 2011

    Does anyone know what class hours will be during the first semester? Are we supposed to have any clinicals?
  2. Bellevue College 2011

    rokbe, you may wish to read "Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls" discussion. You can find all the information about GPA and Test scores there.
  3. Bellevue College 2011

    I applied for the FA in February. In May I sent them the requested educational plan signed by my advisor; however, they have not completed my application yet. Last year I received an Award letter at the end of June, so I think this year will be the s...
  4. Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls

    If someone is accepted into the program from the waiting list, please, let us know here! Our hope is still alive.
  5. Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls

    Oh, thank you, Strawberrygirl2, for your reply! It looks like there are a lot of people who scored 84%, because my number is significantly farther away than yours. You are almost at the beginning of the waitlist, and I believe you have a great chan...
  6. Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls

    I am on the waiting list for Winter 2012 too. My individual score was 84.4% (V), and GPA 3.7. Do they have waiting lists for Fall and Winter separately? Or is this the only one general waiting list? Does anyone know how it works?
  7. Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls

    I am enrolled in the Spring CNA class at BC right now. All students are divided into two teams. We have Lectures on Mondays and Wednesdays 5-9pm; and Skills Labs on Tuesdays (Team #1 only) 5-8pm, Thursdays (Team #2 only) 5-8pm, and Saturdays (Team #1...
  8. Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls

    Shrub1997, thank you so much for your reply! Good luck to you too!
  9. Bellevue College 2011 hopefuls

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to check in with you regarding the following question. We are supposed to get confirming check marks on our account pages at getstarted.bellevuecollege as soon as the program receives required material. Although I have su...