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About rangerwife0908

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  1. Would appreciate your input on resume content...

    Thank-you so much for the resume copy! I will definitely let you know what I think. I know that Karma is a great thing.....you will be Blessed for all the help you are giving new CNA's! Good Deeds...
  2. Would appreciate your input on resume content...

    Can you please e-mail me a copy of you're CNA resume as well? I will be graduating May 13 and want to get an early start on updating my resume!
  3. CNA to LVN/LPN Online

    Wow....this is great information! Do you know how you qualify? Looks like the program will start up in 2012 which will be perfect for me. Thank-you so much for this
  4. CNA to LVN/LPN Online

    Thanks for the feedback. I will let you know if I ever do find a program as I would also want to help others out. What school in GA did you get you're LPN training from? I need to find out where our...
  5. CNA to LVN/LPN Online

    Thanks for the response! I was accepted into U.T. Arlington's Academic Partnership program which I could do, but the costs are enormous and they still want me to take more (31 hours) undergrad...
  6. CNA to LVN/LPN Online

    Thank-you so much for the information. I am too far from North Central Texas College to be able to attend clinicals. I may see if I can have a hospital close by let me do the clinicals. It is very...
  7. CNA to LVN/LPN Online

    :mad:Does anyone know of an online college to bridge from a CNA to a LVN? I currently have a BS degree in Health Administration (non-nursing) and was hoping to go through an accelerated BSN program. I...
  8. Fall 2011 TCU hopefuls

    Thank-you so much for the info! Are you applying for the BSN program? I was told that April 11 would be my start date to take any pre-nursing courses I may still need. I currently have a BS in Health...
  9. The University of Texas at Arlington

    I am currently in the process of trying to get into the UTA Academic Partnership program. I submitted my application back in Feb. and still have not heard anything. I checked the student website and...
  10. Fall 2011 TCU hopefuls

    Have you heard anything from UTA? Did you apply for the Academic Partnership program? I am waiting to hear something back as