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  1. HELP!!!! (First Semester Nursing School)

    Do nclex style questions...if you have mynursing lab...use it. It
  2. Ratio proportion is my tried and true method....can never go wrong. I didn't study for them @ all...basic math no need....I love math..besides @ my school you need college level math to get
  3. Nursing School Not For Me

    Inursing isn't for you, then it isn't for you. You know you best! If you want an allied health career maybe Respiratory Therapy (I used to do that....Respiratory is a great field), or maybe medical...
  4. What is the passing score for your school?

    80% no rounding for all classes excet med calc and pharmacology where it is
  5. I failed my first exam. Now what?

    Discover the art of practicing nclex style questions, buy a comprehensive review book, or one from the success series by Davis...even use mynursing lab if there is one for your really makes...
  6. Try focusing on learning the chapter objectives if your teacher hasn't handed out any enabling. should better focus your reading. Compare your chapter objectives in the textbook to...
  7. your gpa

    My gpa before nursing school was 3.67....but do not put to much stock in ga. Three students in my class had gpa's ranging from 3.80 -4.00 and they failed first semester twice. Its all about what you...
  8. I would learn the nursing process and all of the activities associated with it, as well as health assessment. It is what we do. I wouldn't do med calc because it is fairly easy just simle ratio and...
  9. Pass/fail at your school

    A pass for us is 80% for all tests and assignments except medical dosaging were the pass rate is 90%. Of course you can flunk out of your clinical for failure to hand in an acceptable health...
  10. What are you carrying all your books in?

    @ hmccue, I prefer my books intact....easier to put on the bookshelf(plus looks better ). I actually was given a tone of nursing textbooks when friends and friends of friends found out I was in...
  11. Failed! 4days before grad!

    My advice....or two cents worth....stop crying and feeling sorry for yourself....sometimes these things happen Pick yourself up by the bootstraps, dust yourself off and decare to yourself "next...
  12. 6 weeks into school we start clinicals! How on earth

    My program was 8 weeks, we do bedside care, pass meds...including injections....and when I pass my indwelling urine catheter check off on Tuesday.....I will be doing it on the floor by...
  13. Streamlining care plan writing

    @ro2878, yah I guess I shouldn't complain to one only contains: the nursing system, selfcare deficit, the NANDA diagnosis with its definition and defining characteristics. The other...
  14. Backpack???

    I have a tagus backpack, it fits my books and laptop easy......but I hate carrying all that stuff....soon I realized the benefit of my trunk....I keep my textbooks there and just carry my binder and...
  15. too much load???

    If you don't need to take the physiology class then don't take it. Yes it can be done..but why stress yourself out. Take it when you are on a break...if your program has a break between