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All Content by SoulShine75

  1. What should I expect???

    Congrats for getting accepted. I just posted some new tips for new student on my blog. You can access it by visiting my profile. I hope it helps. Good luck with school!
  2. Well, I just finished my last semester this week and I can say that I made it through nursing school without ever starting an IV.
  3. My FINAL, final exam is over!

    He's fabulous. 100% cancer free and feeling just fine. :balloons: If I can make it through nursing school while dealing with this, then anyone can. Good luck everyone!
  4. My FINAL, final exam is over!

    Yea, check my blog for some tips and tricks. You can access it under my profile. :-)
  5. Grads of Fall 07 of Spring 08

    I may start on med-surg and end up in...who knows.
  6. Nurses with tatoos

    Just wear something long enough to cover them. I have 2 also, but mine are on my ankle and shoulder. I definately wouldn't have them showing during an interview, it looks unprofessional.
  7. Hi all, I know this has probably been asked a million times, but what's the best study plan to use for NCLEX? Kaplan, Hurst, etc...? They're all coming at us wanting us to choose and I have no idea, but thought those of you who have used them would h...
  8. May I ramble and vent a little please? I failed my first nursing test on Thursday...Guess what...I don't even care! It's all my fault, I barely studied, but I'm sooo, so tired, burned out and ready for the final (10/31) and the pinning (12/14). I've...
  9. Prayer needed for my friend!

    Hi Beth. I can sense your pain and sadness in your post and I want to say that I am sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes people say that they understand, and they don't, but I wanted to say that I do understand what you are going through. My li...
  10. Nursey Pants...he he he. Thanks for the support, it means more than you know. I just love this site, specifically for that reason. I forget that people here also read my blog... When is your 1st semester over with? Believe me when I say that after yo...
  11. How many got only 75 questions?

    Are your friends able to see if you passed as well? That just doubles the torture and pressure! :uhoh21:
  12. What study plan did you use? What's the best?

    Hi, I'm reading all of this stuff and everyone did something different practically and all of that overwhelms me. I just want to know one thing to study and then I can focus on that. If anyone thinks the Kaplan online bank and course are good, please...
  13. Aww, thank you so much. He is doing so well. He's 100% cancer free now, we couldn't ask for more than that. He's so brave, braver than I could ever be. It's been very tough being in school and not resenting it because I'd rather be with him, but I fe...
  14. Hey December's the last semester going?

    I'm not focused anymore either. I'm all pooped out and feel more exausted than I've ever felt. I'm so burned out that I barely studied for my last exam and I failed it. It's the first nursing test I've failed and you know what...I don't even really c...
  15. Hey December's the last semester going?

    Your schedule kinda sounds like mine. We are doing OB/Peds as well and have a lot of community stuff to do too. Busy work, lots and lots of busy work. AHHHHHHHHHH! Where's the Calgon?
  16. Hey December's the last semester going?

    ICU...that's awesome. You are going to learn so much! I can't believe they are making you take it over because you failed an ATI. We take ours until we pass. Hang in there, you will get there sooner than you think. Keep your eyes on the prize.
  17. This just infuriates me!

    Oohh, I hear ya. It's a great excuse.
  18. I posted a few weeks ago about my 4 yr old son being diagnosed with ALL leukemia. We found out last week he is now in remission with You can check his and my site for updates and info: On the school front...4th semester is hectic busy. We have about...
  19. UPDATE: My Baby Boy is in Remission!

    That is great to hear. Continued health to your nephew!!!! :balloons:
  20. UPDATE: My Baby Boy is in Remission!

    Thank you all. We are on cloud nine with this news. Here is to continued health and kicking cancer's butt! :cheers: I will update again soon.. Christy
  21. Hi Dani, I know our problems are definately different, but still the same too. My son was recently dx with ALL leaukemia just before I was about to start my last semester of nursing school. I wasn't go to go back right away, if at all. I was so torn....
  22. Hello. Please excuse the lenghty post. Last week my 4 yr old son was dx with pre-B cell ALL, but has an excellent prognosis from all of the oncology doctors (they said he'd live to be an old man and that they wouldn't tell me that unless they felt c...
  23. My 4 yr old son is newly dx with Leukemia ALL

    This is a big THANK YOU to all who posted with their supportive words and prayers. Even though we've never met, I feel your kindness and who can ever ask for more than a little of that? For every kind word and prayer my family recieves I will send ou...
  24. My 4 yr old son is newly dx with Leukemia ALL

    Tears, tears, tears. I really needed to hear this. I will keep this post forever...thank you.
  25. My 4 yr old son is newly dx with Leukemia ALL

    Your post brought tears to my eyes. I can feel your strong spirit through your words. I will say prayers for you as well, and your little ones. I bet it's hard to see their Mommy feel bad, but you will get better. Thank you...