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About joloza

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  1. Story on Oprah: Cradle Rape

    Well said Sarah! AIDS is a disaster for the African continent and no, closing your eyes and hoping it won't affect you is not gonna help. Currently only 100.000 people out of the 40 million living with AIDS in southern Africa receive treatment, what ...
  2. Story on Oprah: Cradle Rape

    I agree when you guys say that it's good to use the money in America when you are American. Charity begins at home, right? We often only hear about America's foreign affairs, but not about what's being done about the problems within the USA and as I ...
  3. Story on Oprah: Cradle Rape

    Hi, I'm new here and though I am not a nurse, I am very interested in all the topics here and considering becoming one.. And also: I am proudly South African! And thus felt that I had to reply to this thread. Yes, it's terrible that young girls and ...