Mrs. SnowStormRN

Mrs. SnowStormRN RN

Mental Health, Medical Research, Periop

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About Mrs. SnowStormRN

Mrs. SnowStormRN is a RN and specializes in Mental Health, Medical Research, Periop.

I am beating all odds. After my mom died when I was 8, I lived in 5 different homes and suffered all kinds of abuse, I made a vow to grow up and help others. Now I can do that.

Latest Activity

  1. Could I be stressed and not know it?

    I think I may need reading glasses. And like someone mentioned home + work in combo is playing a role. Thanks
  2. Made an error :'( unable to move on

  3. Could I be stressed and not know it?

    Thank you very much. I do think I need to get my eyes checked. I find myself squinting when reading the computer at work (there's so much on one page and the print is rather small) and also when...
  4. Could I be stressed and not know it?

    I have had a few changes lately in my life. Going back to nursing after 2 years at home, and doing a completely different type of nursing at that. Everyday I come home from work I have a headache....
  5. Nurses writing Scripts for Doctors

    I will type an order (via the computer system) for a lab, like a BMP if I have a dialysis patient about to have surgery (and I will draw that lab too). Several times I've drawn a HCG on menarcheal...
  6. Your Most Heartwarming Moments in Nursing

    I have had many moments like this, where patients have hugged me, thanked me, left me treats (they have sent fruit baskets, cakes, candies, etc..), and thank you notes. It is definitely the biggest...
  7. LPN to Surgical Tech?

    Where I work they hire new RNs into the OR. It is a speciality and the hospital will train you to do the job. I work in periop, but Im a prep nurse. I couldnt take an on call job due to my family...
  8. gained alot of weight as a nurse

    HEY! ESME is not here, that was my idea to start a weight loss forum. LOL! Gotta toot my own horn for a minute,
  9. Nurse Violating HIPAA Articles or Cases in NJ

    I don't live in NJ, but try the search engine. Put in HIPAA NJ or something, you can do that here, Google, or askjeeves. If you post in the NJ section you may get better hits. I hope I was a little...
  10. gained alot of weight as a nurse

    I know your pain, here's one of my first AN posts. We need a weight loss group on this site. LOL! Good Luck to you and me!
  11. Tips for first clinical?

    I was one of those students whose first clinical experience was in a nursing home, AND my patient was due for her catheter change. LOL! First day in clinicals and I already had a skill signed off....
  12. Politcally incorrect rant aka how my day went

    Niiiiice, I plan on doing some sewing myself. It involves my MIL as well, well not all of her - just her
  13. Politcally incorrect rant aka how my day went

    Lol! She clarified for the "hearing impaired" as if you need the sense of hearing in order to read. ROTFLMAO! I still can't hear you, thank God I can see. Would you please clarify for the visually...
  14. Knocked off my feet

    Could you explain what you mean by a political/personality situation? If you feel you were dismissed because a teacher didn't like you, why aren't you challenging this? Whatever it is you are not...
  15. Which one of you AN members posted this?

    Really? LoL! Not true. Most people do REALLY REALLY try. I actually applied to 3 nursing homes, went to all 3 in person (with 4 yrs experience in LTC as a LPN), NO CALL BACK. When I went into two...