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About Carrie162

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  1. Getting started as MDS nurse

    Shanti2u, I am also in Massachusetts and familiar with MMQ's. There is a manual; it can be downloaded from the website. Look up instructions to complete the mmq. There are also courses;...
  2. Mds-rugs

    You can project a rehab medium or a rehab high, not a very or
  3. Mds-rugs

    RondaS, it sounds like you will only have one day billed to Medicare. You can project a rehab medium even with zero actual minutes of rehab achieved. If you can take any IV's in the lookback period,...
  4. Mds-rugs

    RondaS, I agree with the above. If you have not submitted the 5-day MDS, use day 8, project a RMX or an RML. If the patient is going to still be there on day 15, do the PPS 14-day assessment and...
  5. Getting started as MDS nurse

    I have been an MDS/PPS coordinator for two years. I would ask, before you accept the position, what kind of training will you receive? Especially considering you are new to MDS. I would ask, are...
  6. Mds-rugs

    RondaS, check out the AANAC website. You can capture the nine new rug categories when residents are receiving therapy and extensive services, specifically IV meds, IV fluids, vents, trach's, or...
  7. Sending residents to the ER without a doctor's order.

    I have sent a patient out without a doctor's order in cases of SOB or sudden changes of mental status. I had another patient, full code, who was crumping, oxygen sat 85% on 10L via non rebreather,...
  8. Stressed DON Please help

    Thanks so much for your response DONMom. I have been thinking long and hard, and I love the place where I work, I love the CNA's, the administrator, the ADON, but I just don't think I'm a DON type of...
  9. Stressed DON Please help

    Six months ago I took a position as a DON at a 40 bed LTC/rehab unit within a CCRC. My previous experience is in LTC as a unit manager and MDS nurse. This is my first DON position, and I wonder if I...
  10. emotional state, unconcious patient

    The Happy faces that are used to rate pain in a nonverbal resident or other resident that is unable to use the 1-10 scale are called Wong-Baker Faces. (I think). Unconscious patients are not my area...
  11. MDS/Medicare Coordinator job...Need info please

    I am currently working as an MDS Coordinator in a LTC facility. Our census runs about 120, with a medicare census of about 10 right now, but that's really slow. Usually it's about 20-25. Right now...