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All Content by Fumanchuesday

  1. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    I have considered taking out a private student loan through wells fargo to cover what the rest of what the financial aid loan will not. The interest is deferred and is between 3 & 10 % depending on your credit. I also would like to add that our l...
  2. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    I still have not found them. I did notice that the pharmacology class starts on Aug 29, so I am hoping we can find them soon. I want to get ahead right now while I'm not taking classes! curiouskaypee- I still never got that financial aid packet that ...
  3. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Ok, I just called the Jefferson Parish WIA office and they said that the only funding that they provide at this point is "Urban Funding" for individuals that have not worked for at least the past 6 weeks and were residents of Jefferson Parish during ...
  4. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Yeah, you mentioned financial aid... I was curious about the federal loans through financial aid... I dont think we can get pell grants since we already have bachelors degrees.
  5. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Oh wow, I havent even seen that letter yet. I moved, so my forwarded mail is taking a bit longer. By the way, we (my wife and I) are renting a house in Metairie pretty close to EJGH. She got a job at Oschner and starts monday. I have all my LSBN stu...
  6. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Hi jess525 I will be at East Jeff as well. I know what you mean about all the paperwork. I think your cheapest bet for vaccinations and titers would definitely be your local health clinic. I mistakenly went to this walk-in clinic attached to the hosp...
  7. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    How are yall coming along with all the paperwork/forms? I did all the LSBN stuff and am now trying to put a dent in the student health forms got all the vaccinations, but still need to go to the doc and make a trip to NOLA for the Drug Test. My wife...
  8. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    lynn23- I basically agree with what everyone else has said about if you should do the 10 month program or not... you just have to do what YOU think is best. Additionally, I think it is better to have doubts now, than when you are actually in the prog...
  9. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    I was worried, but now everything has fallen together perfectly... My fiancee found out she passed the NCLEX on the day before I found out I got in. This was perfect timing with us getting married this coming saturday and having a week away from work...
  10. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    CKP- Yes, I am at East Jeff! I am pumped! I knew about the orientatiom, but not the start date. Wow, i have been thinking all along that it started in late september! This is great; the earlier we start, the earlier we can start making some $$$. And ...
  11. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Yes, a big time relief... That was a very long wait!
  12. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Does anybody know the exact start date for east jeff? And has anyone located the pharmacology notes yet?
  13. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Thank you!
  14. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Finally got the call I have been waiting for! I'm in!!!! *wine
  15. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    @ lynn sending u a pm
  16. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    They did receive my transcript this time (with grades). Im starting to feel like I'm getting on their nerves with my persistence, but hey, its not my fault they calculated my GPA without asking me to resend my transcripts.
  17. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Wow! that is great news! Glad you didn't have to wait too long on the alternate list! I sent in my transcripts again and I guess Im going to go ahead and call again and make sure they got them this time.
  18. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    OK that helps... I really dont know if Im on a waiting list for all campuses or what... It doesnt specify in the letter, I just assumed tulane bc of the checklist, but you said your checklist said tulane too, right? Yeah, the transcript thing is weir...
  19. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Thanks, I just called. She said she remembered my application and said that the transcript they received did not have my grades on in, but only listed the classes, so now I am guessing it is my school's fault. She said they will have to wait and see ...
  20. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    @lynn23 Yes! Beyond frustrating! I was able to locate my receipt online saying that my transcripts had been paid for, sent, and processed. I also found an email convo with one of the nursing program coordinators(from back in December) saying that eve...
  21. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    I wish they would have asked me for the transcripts before they made decisions! I made all As last semester and even paid $5 to have my transcripts sent. Plan B might be my only option now.
  22. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Just got my letter. I got put on the alternate list at tulane and it appears that they do not have all of my transcripts because they asked for my transcripts from last semester. They also left 5 classes blank on the checklist. I will have to resend ...
  23. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Nothing in the mail today. I hope they still sent them. Im guessing people a little closer to NOLA will get them a day or so before me.
  24. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    Update: Letters have not been sent, but will go out this week. Good luck everyone
  25. Lady of the Lake Accelerated ASN

    I spoke with someone, I think it was wednesday of last week. She said that decisions had been made, but they were waiting on someone who was out of the office to return that friday. CuriousKayPee found out that this person is in charge of finalizing ...