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All Content by CleeM89

  1. March 2011 Test Takers Support Group

    I took my test for LPN earlier today, I am so nervous it shut off at i think 87 questions. Hopefully this is a good sign!! :uhoh21: I did the PVT trick and got the good pop up, I am wondering how long people have waited to call or go online to ge...
  2. Have you ever heard of this many SATA?

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Did you try the trick? Did it work for you?
  3. Sick of people who think Nursing will be easy!

    My first semester in nursing school there was a group of girls in my classes that were in the hall after a test. They were saying that they are not concerned with learning the material just passing the class. Then in class they would complain about ...
  4. Have you ever heard of this many SATA?

    WOW, that makes me sooo much more nervous!! Good luck with your results...have you tried the trick to see if you had passed yet?
  5. Should I do CNA or LPN before I go into the ADN prgram?!

    I would begin the classes and getting ready for the RN program. While doing this take the CNA class, this will help you along the way and you will have a good paying job. For the nursing school that I was in they encouraged us to "step out" and tak...
  6. NCLEX review

    Hi, I am new here and recently moved to AZ. I just scheduled my NCLEX PN exam and I was wondering if anyone has any study books that I could use to study? I am really nervous and feel like I need to know so much more. Any study tips would be great...
  7. NCLEX review

    Thank you! I have another question, I went to the library and they were able to give me two books. Are these books going to be helpful enough or should I try buy the other books I hear about on here (Saunders and LaCharity)? The two books I have ar...
  8. LaCharity book

    I was just wondering I am going to be taking the NCLEX PN exam and is this book aimed more at helping those who are taking the RN exam. OR does it not matter?
  9. Scared!!! I take it Tuesday

    Yay for the green and gold!!! :) Think positive thoughts, goodluck!
  10. Fired By Patient Family

    In my clinical last semester I had two of my patients "fire" me. It was not anything that I had done but the first patient had changed their mind about having a student to care for them. The second patient was actively dying, the family thought that ...
  11. Should I do CNA or LPN before I go into the ADN prgram?!

    I took a CNA class when I was in highschool and it was great. Working as a CNA pays really good and you can get an idea of what the LPNs and RNs have to do on the floor. Going straight to an LPN sounds good but the extra time and everything you hav...