ACute RN

ACute RN

medical/surgical & oncology

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All Content by ACute RN

  1. Continuing Education

    I'm not sure where you are from, but in Pittsburgh there are several RN to BSN programs that have very different requirements. The program I went through only required that you had a diploma or ADN, since most (if not all) programs require A & P...
  2. stress relief kit

    At the advice of a friend, I made a stress relief kit to keep in my locker at work. I have a bottle of lavender rosemary body spray and mini dark chocolate bars. Belief it or not, have a few whiffs of the body spray and pop a few chocolates... it ...
  3. I have been a RN for 5 years. I graduated from a hospital-based diploma program, completed a RN to BSN program, and will be finished with a MSN in nursing education in 2 months. I have worked in medical/surgical and oncology, both inpatient and out...
  4. Sharing prescriptions of non narcotic medications

    Legally, I'm not sure what prohibits this, but I am sure there is something... But ethically, it is definitely not right!
  5. acute care refers to hospital/inpatient nursing... this can be med/surg, telemetry, ICU, etc... if you have assisted living experience, I would consider this long-term care... even if a positon "prefers" certain qualifications, do yourself a favor...
  6. Direct entry MSN/CNL without nursing experience

    just a few comments on your post... "i fully expect and plan on workin for a couple of years as an rn to gain practical clinical knowledge." in this position, experience is a must!!! the staff will not take you seriously if you do not have an unders...
  7. What do you read to keep current?

    I like the journal Nursing 2011 (or whatever the year is!)... The section titled "Clinical Rounds" has some interesting information on current issues... If you are interested in staying in your specialty area for a while, it would also benefit you ...
  8. Should I bother to get my rn?

    An RN license opens the door to endless opportunities!!!
  9. Best places for new grad hires?

    Just FYI... There is a nursing shortage! I know it may not seem as though there is one, but there is a simple explanation for this... Withing the past five years, the economy began to plummet which heavily affected soon-to-be retiring nurses. Ther...
  10. I would imagine the documentation ?'s are going to test your knowledge of how to document assessment findings. Just remember keep it as objective as possible and do not make assumptions, such as "patient is depressed"... if you do need to write som...
  11. Nursing Faculty orientation on a medical unit

    I have been a clinical instructor for a year now... I was asked to have a group of accelerated BSN students over the summer for their "acute/complex" course clinicals... I was told that we would be on a monitored general medicine unit... I have no...
  12. No Oncology Lecture ADN Program

    I happen to be adjunct faculty in a BSN program and staff nurse working in oncology... I think the student presentations are an EXCELLENT idea and I am sure that you find them a lot more interesting then what your theory instructor would lecture on....
  13. Online class Vs traditional class room

    Many RN to BSN programs seem to be switching to the wayside of on-line learning. I know a few people who have completed the University of Phoenix program and have competitive jobs. Just make sure it is accredited!
  14. Nursing School Question. Please Help.

    I am from the Pittsburgh area and there are a few of those programs around... From what I have read/heard, you do receive credit for courses taken for your BA or BS. The pre-requisites generally need to be done before you start the program.
  15. IV Gauge for CT

  16. where to start working as a new nurse.....

    As for your love of OB... getting your foot in the door by working PP is probably a very smart move. Although OB is not my area, I do keep tabs on job postings and ads - many L & D positions prefer previous OB experience (including PP/nursery)....
  17. I have found that it depends on the facility or agency you are working for... let me first say that my definition of "per diem" is for someone to work as needed and "registry" is a float pool to service the facility. The hospital I previously worke...
  18. Can NPs do bedside nursing?

    I worked with a NP that worked prn as a RN on a cardiac unit while she was working on her DNP and teaching for a local community college. She did practice within the RN scope only but her assessment skills were out of this world!
  19. Do your clinicals at the hosp. you want to work at?

    I am going to go against the majority here... I wouldn't necessarily select clinical placements based upon where I want to work. My rationale is based upon experience... I went to a hospital-based diploma program through a health system with 2 com...
  20. Lactation Specialist?

    I have a good friend that is a IBCLC. From what I understand... you must work a certain # of hours w/ nursing moms & newborns before taking the examination. I would check the certification requirements on the website as I am not under the impr...