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All Content by markgolfa

  1. Lasix vs Bumex

    Hello! The other night I had a pt with end stage renal failure, anuria, hemodialysis. He was on a vent, doing fine, and then his SaO2 dropped very fast and we had hard time to bring it back. He also had extensive cardiac history, including CHF. STAT ...
  2. Heparin and anemia

    Thank you so much! Your comments were very helpful!
  3. Heparin and anemia

    Hi, I cannot find reasons why heparin should not be administered to pt with anemia. How heparin can worsen anemia? Or is it because heparin increases risk of bleeding and the pt is anemic already? Is that the reason? Thank you!
  4. Heparin and anemia

    So, it is because we think that anemia was caused by some kind of bleeding and then, of course, we don't want heparin. But what if anemia is caused by something other than bleeding? Autoimmune disease for example, or chronic kidney failure. Can hepar...
  5. ECG

    May 15 by markgolfa Hi everybody :) It is my first time to post a question, but I read many conversations here and found them super helpful! So, my question is: what is the difference between WAP and PAC? From what I understand, both ...
  6. ECG

    Thank you! Your reply confirmed my understanding of it. I appreciate it :)