i am also a graduate from the philippines and planning to take the nclex this coming september as well. also need help. @clueless28: can you please send me your notes too? this is my email add:...
CONGRATULATIONS! are you a foreign grad student btw? i'm doing saunders then i'm off to purchase the 3week course from ncsbn. you think that's a good idea? lol. thank you for always updating me btw....
hey there! :) i'm about to try ncsbn next week. i'm still confused whether i should apply for kaplan or not. did you attend the review for kaplan or did you just purchased their book? anyway, best of...
hey there! :) which one is lengthy? the kaplan or ncsbn? i haven't been reading lately since it's taking a while for my cgfns to be verified. i'm a foreign grad from the philippines and the...
@melosaurRN: really? i'm torn between taking a kaplan classroom review since i'm a foreign grad student BUT it's too much money and taking ncsbn since i heard it's REALLY
@sweetangel05: hi. please keep me posted too. i'm still on the verge of whether to take kaplan or ncsbn. i'm not really sure what to do yet. i'm anxious and i'm procrastinating. lol. i need all the...