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About QuilterLPN

QuilterLPN has 6 years experience.

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  1. central line needle-less connector changes

    thanks for all the
  2. Just a quick question about how to determine when it is time to change a cap or needle-less connector on a central line. The policy where I work states they must be changed q72hours, or daily for TPN,...
  3. A question for RN's and RN students.

    Public health jobs frequently require BSN. If you have the choice between the two, and you can get in now to the BSN - do that. It may be another year or two before you get into the ADN program....
  4. should I transfer?

  5. Taking a child off life support

    Doctors are not obligated to provide futile care. Sounds like this is futile
  6. Maybe she needs her adenoids out! I had a mouth breather behind me in class for a while. It DROVE ME CRAZY!! Maybe the Doc was a little irritated
  7. ripping an arm out of a socket...is this true

    So why is this nurse giving patient care if she cannot use her arm (to help transfer patients) without it dislocating? We had a nurse on staff who had shoulder surgery, and she couldn't come back to...
  8. IV push ativan...please help this student!:)

    I have always diluted IV ativan (and it looks like most other folks here do too) because it is so viscous. It has the consistency of pancake syrup. And then if you dilute it in a 10 ml prefilled...
  9. Patches left in public

    Could it have been the type of patch that you clip leads on? You said the label was down, from the underside they look alot
  10. Students... hobbies?

    Depends on how many other obligations (work, family) you've got going. I wasn't working during school, but took care of children and home, etc. My "free" time was spent doing laundry and taking boys...
  11. Tipping a doctor, acceptable?

    It would seem to me highly unethical for the doctor to accept such a gift. Cookies, chocolates ok, but $2000? I believe that's considered "conduct unbecoming" for nurses, seems like that would apply...
  12. Nursing shortages? Not in my area!

    Come to the Gorge! The hospital in The Dalles has several openings. Hood River probably has too, but housing is cheaper in The Dalles. Good
  13. Anyone have a huge student loan bill?

    You know, it might be worth your while to look into loan re-payment programs for your state. There are many places (like my area), that if you work full time as a nurse, the gov't will repay your...
  14. Hello I am taking a pole

    ROFLOL! See, now I was thinking of the North Pole! Personally, I am a RN, but I have LPN in my username. I started posting on Allnurses when I was a LPN, now that I have my RN - I just haven't updated...
  15. Friend nonsupportive...opinions?
