NurseOnAMotorcycle has 10 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN.
My favorite members: GrnTea, Esme12, VivalasViejas, RubyVee, netglow, altra, chare I love the ER. I like to mentor students and new grads. I'm in my 40s. I have teens. I teach martial arts, like to knit in the winter and ride my VStar during the summer. I'm into cooperation and communication. I agree to disagree. I am good at some stuff, and don't know much about others and am not afraid to admit it. But... I won't tolerate entitlement or rudeness. I will not be kind to bullies. I'm not immune to being pissed off and responding accordingly. If you have to start by saying "I'm not trying to be ___, but..." then just don't write it.