NurseOnAMotorcycle ASN, RN

Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN

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About NurseOnAMotorcycle

NurseOnAMotorcycle has 10 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN.

My favorite members: GrnTea, Esme12, VivalasViejas, RubyVee, netglow, altra, chare I love the ER. I like to mentor students and new grads. I'm in my 40s. I have teens. I teach martial arts, like to knit in the winter and ride my VStar during the summer. I'm into cooperation and communication. I agree to disagree. I am good at some stuff, and don't know much about others and am not afraid to admit it. But... I won't tolerate entitlement or rudeness. I will not be kind to bullies. I'm not immune to being pissed off and responding accordingly. If you have to start by saying "I'm not trying to be ___, but..." then just don't write it.

Latest Activity

  1. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    How to learn this stuff

    It'll come. It comes with experience and sooner than you realize, you'll be one of the nurses grabbing and hanging critical care medications. It takes a while to get to that point, at least a year,...
  2. Same here, but it was my nurse managers HUSBAND!! I have to admit that when I was newer I was a little more nervous about being judged for my skills. But now I am settled and confident, and I...
  3. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Overweight Healthcare Workers

    But why does it have to be "Too fat or not"? It it feels like we went straight to Cosmo instead of Scientific American. Whats next? "12 ways to please your
  4. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Overweight Healthcare Workers

    Instead of judging and making each other feel less, why don't we lift each other up and educate and encourage? How to decompress after a traumatic experience. Finding the impossible to find vein....
  5. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Overweight Healthcare Workers

    How about cool tips and hacks? For example, using a BVM on a guy with a thick beard in a code is hard. Use tegaderm to cover it to get a great seal for bagging. Beard problems can be eliminated for...
  6. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Overweight Healthcare Workers

    The problem isn't the video, it's the resurrection of the old argument that opens the door for all the same old
  7. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Overweight Healthcare Workers

    Another dose of body
  8. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Double Briefing

    Detecting and Reporting
  9. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Double Briefing

    Oh Heaven help those patients. I can't even count the number of things wrong with this whole statement. If you are doing this, please stop. Turn q2 hours, leave total care patients' briefs open to...
  10. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Double Briefing

    Why? It's cruel and unhealthy. It causes skin breakdown, pressure ulcers, promotes UTI, yeast growth, staph infections, abrasions in the groin where the edges are rubbing against the skin. It...
  11. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Best specialty for a new nurse interested in ED?

    You need one year, usually, and anywhere that you use telemetry is usually a bonus. We take people from all specialties because we get patients from all specialties that need
  12. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    last week of orientation, should i ask for more time?

    Being off of orientation does not mean that you were not allowed to ask for help. Get your LPNs and HCT's involved. Let them know that you are new and sometimes need help catching up. The good ones...
  13. NurseOnAMotorcycle


    You won't know this because you're new here, but RubyVee and Esme are two of The Most willing to give students help. RubyVee will stop to help anybody. There've been times over the years when I...
  14. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    ER Nurse Advice Needed

    Seriously, just apply. The worst they can say is "not until you have more experience". Just do
  15. NurseOnAMotorcycle

    Did you choose nursing because it was your "calling"?

    It was absolutely a calling for me, and I love my coworkers even if they came to it differently. We are all here doing the same job regardless of the reason it began. As as far as burning out, I'm...