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All Content by missb1250

  1. Hello fellow nurses! Feels great to join the community of RNs! I'm bran new, NCLEX passed a little over one week ago :-) I will be starting in an OR training program at a level 1 trauma center where I will learn to circulate and scrub (we rotate thro...
  2. New Grad RN starting in OR, any advice?

    Thanks for all the responses. We are also a teaching center and so far everyone is sooooo nice! Even the surgeons are nice and ready to teach (so far) and I can't wait to see what else I have coming in the future with this job. Thanks for the congrat...
  3. New Grad RN starting in OR, any advice?

    Not in Charlotte, I'm in Winston Salem. I'm a week in so far and it's great! Good luck to you also!
  4. New Grad RN starting in OR, any advice?

    No, NC. Sent from my iPad using allnurses.com
  5. Hello, I am a 2nd semester nursing student at a local community college. I will begin my clinical rotation at a very well known teaching hospital in the area - on the cardiac/thoracic floor. Took the tour of the unit on Friday and to put it simply, ...