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All Content by ktay

  1. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I'm sure you were just as qualified, the programs just have very limited slots. Don't stop trying though you will definitely get in!
  2. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    UTHSC SON December 2012 thats the name, I requested to join but it hasn't been answered yet.
  3. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I was wondering the same thing, mine doesn't specify either
  4. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    K so I asked to join the group, my name is Kristin Taylor..accept it plz =)
  5. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Thank you!!! I am ecstatic!! :yeah:I thought I would never hear good news...if your holds change I pretty positive you got in! The lady I just talked to told me I was admitted today and my holds just changed today. My status on UTlink hasn't changed ...
  6. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    So I called the registrar this morning about my TSI AGAIN lol and she just called me back, not only was my TSI fixed finally, but she told me that I was accepted today!! I got in!!!
  7. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    HESI-89 with 840 on critical thinking Science-4.0 Prereq-4.0 Overall-3.85 I didn't submit my application until like the friday before the due date, and my transcript was received just in time for the due date
  8. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I've been checking mine all morning and literally just had them updated like 15 min. ago so don't worry!!
  9. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Surely if one of the holds that was added is entitled "admission documents" you've been accepted contingent on getting all of these documents to them right?
  10. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I've got the same question! ...and did everyone who had their holds changed get accepted? I just noticed that mine were changed and I'm really really hoping thats good news!
  11. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Thats good to hear... well not good that you are just as frustrated but you know lol ..anyway Good Luck! This is the only school I applied too so I'm just going to pray! =)
  12. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Congrats to you guys!!! I am super jealous right now =) My prereqs are not completed yet, I am taking two of them right now to finish up and my transcripts say they are on file. I don't know tho I'm still trying to figure out my stupid TSI
  13. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    So just curious, when did you guys submit your applications and transcripts? Was it right at the due date or earlier? I'm just wondering because it seems like my UT link is never going to be updated, it STILL says that my TSI is not accepted. I ha...
  14. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    You don't get summers off, in fact they said during their information session, that the big break between application acceptance and the start of the program is to "prepare your families", for the program. I don't know about you guys but I have a tw...
  15. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I picked it because of the reputation (top 10 in the country) and the location--> both the fact that it is in Houston and I need to stay put for my little girl and the fact that it is in the medical center which seems like an ideal place to start ...
  16. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Okay I am really starting to get confused here. Not that I doubt anyone's info, but its starting to be really conflicting. I just emailed the registrar once again, to check my TSI (ONCE AGAIN) and included a question about interviews being held. Hope...
  17. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I didn't apply anywhere else either! I can't stand the waiting game its killing me, probably even worse because I don't have a backup plan. I wanted to just do the best I could, keep my GPA perfect, and get into my first choice school. LOL hopefully ...
  18. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I'm not sure about the transcript eval. I received one though and have not completed all 60 hours. I have called the registrar numerous times because my UTlink also says that my TSI is missing, and they assure me that is it okay. Yesterday the woman ...
  19. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I talked to the registrar AGAIN today and they said everything is fine. I guess I'll stop worrying about TSI and stalk the mailman! ooohhh the anxiety...
  20. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Thats good to hear, but the transcript eval that I got says the same thing that it is still missing. I've called since I received it and they told me it was okay so I don't know what to think?
  21. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Does anyone's UTlink still say that their TSI hasn't been received? I've talked to the registrar like ten different times and they assure me that it is okay; but I'm still paranoid! I even had an official transcript sent to my house last week so that...
  22. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    Hey guys, I got my transcript evaluation in the mail yesterday and I'm super frustrated! They still don't have my TSI and calculated my GPA weird. Does anyone know what I should do to satisfy the TSI for UT. I know I've got it because I would not hav...
  23. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I wish some of the registrar would randomly decide to be overachievers and finish all of the transcripts--like tomorrow, then start the interview letters. I hate waiting! chaos0058: Thanks!! I'm still paranoid but I think regardless of what UT link s...
  24. Fall 2011 UT Houston Health Sciences hopefuls

    I talked to the registrar today because I'm still paranoid about my TSI status on UTlink and she said that it's fine for it to say it isn't received and that when they start looking over transcripts it will be adjusted. I don't know if that means the...
  25. To those who have completed school with kids at home: I just recently applied to the nursing program at UT Houston. I have a good GPA and test scores and am praying that I get accepted. I am worried about my family life though, and how nursing schoo...