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About RN50

RN50 has 21 years experience as a ASN, BSN.

Awesome Mother, Friend and Nurse

Latest Activity

  1. I just can't believe this one!

    Massrn116 Your first paragraph sums it up for me!! That too has happened to me and it is one of my biggest pet peeves!! I always say in a less than sincere way. "Oh no let me" as I reach over them to...
  2. recomended nursing school in toledo area

    I have heard that Brown Mackie is not an accredited school. Check that out before hand if you want to go to Brown Mackie. I personally graduated from Owens and I thought the program was excellent. In...
  3. In mourning and trying to study for boards...

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear brother. I am sending hugs your way. I am also praying that you will find the strength you need to get through this difficult time. I agree with the...
  4. iv dilaudid

    I work on Med-Surg Oncology floor. We also get a lot of patients with SSC. They get Dilaudid PCA's and Phenergan IVPB. Of course, every patient that we see with SSC is allergic to Morphine, so they...
  5. Im 42 year old male and just about to begin Nursing

    I am so sorry for your loss. I do understand what you are going through right now, my own father passed away in May of 07 and it still hurts. I am sending comforting thoughts your way....
  6. Chemo Check!

    Two RN's check the order, and then check the chemo. Then we recalculate the dose on paper, then we use a reference book written by one of our oncologists to determine if the dose is within the safe...
  7. LOL!!!:lol2:
  8. Worst Day of My Life Turned Out Good!!!

    Congratulations! You should be very proud of
  9. I had a horrible day on Saturday! I was giving a pt FFP for an INR>4. She needed to get her INR down so she could get a GFF placed because she had a clot in her right thigh. I started the FFP...
  10. My secret revealed (look out!)

    You have every reason to be proud!
  11. A phantom poo

    When I was a nursing assistant, I walked in to a resident's room to find her teeth were black and she had a black "chunk of something" by her head, I asked one of the other aides if they had given her...
  12. Song lyrics that remind you of nursing...

    dierks bentley sings
  13. I have been unfortunate to have to deal with rude patients. When they are screaming obscenities at me I will walk out, come back in a couple of minutes later, and politely remind them that I will be...
  14. "let loose the nurses of war"

    I posted as
  15. Patient is a famous star

    Joaquin Phoenix I dont know what it was, but I thought he was sooooo hot in "Walk The