Can you chart as you take your vitals? I am a pct on a med-surg/ortho floor and that's what I do when a computer is accessible. I just take it room to room. Others just have their clipboard or piece...
I'm a stutterer too but not severe since I got some therapy in elementray school. Still, I think speaking slowly and focusing on what you are saying than how you say it helps. I pray that you feel...
karamarie91 replied to horrorxgirl's topic in General Nursing
What I don't get is when facilities want to reuse towels and washclothes that are saturated in feces/blood/whatever bodily fluid. You can't wash everything out and even if you could, that's just...
karamarie91 replied to Nurse Leigh's topic in General Nursing
Yea, at my job, only a few of the dietary staff helps set the patient's tray up. They usually just put the tray in there and leave. One of the houskeeping staff actually offered to help me pull up a...
I got accepted to Clayton, but I am waiting on KSU so I can make my decision. I don't know which one to pick if I get into both. They are both around the same distance from me. Gtqueen371, are most...
When you say that you want to take the test without taking a class, that means you want to challenge the exam. I don't think you can do that here in GA because in order to register for the test your...