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About CluelessNursingGuy

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  1. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

  2. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I don't think we'll need our books next week, so it shouldn't be a big deal if you get them until then. Sometimes there are late shipment of books. It happens. How much are the nursing patches and...
  3. CSUSB Fall 2012 Hopefuls

    I know I'm late, but congrats DarkBluePhoenix. I've seen you posting for a while and it's apparent to me how much you want to be a nurse. I know you'll do great at CSUSB. Congrats and good
  4. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Also it said the deadline is before July 30 so I'm thinking we need everything uploaded before that
  5. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I'm not done with my tracker and they already started approving sections. So much for double-checking
  6. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I wish I knew this earlier and started my coverage late August. Such a waste of a month
  7. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Honestly, the only reason why they said July 16 is to make it easier for them to keep tract of everything. I personally wouldn't have minded waiting until the end of August to start my malpractice...
  8. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    0814t - trimester students graduating in august
  9. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I paid
  10. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    Wow, this sounds like more than I would like to do. Do you know by what date when we need to have all this
  11. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    That does, thank you! Is there a lot more to do after
  12. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    We just got an e-mail saying we don't have to do anything. Is she talking about this thing? And I'm pretty certain we put down the name of our clinical
  13. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    For trimester students, did you guys complete that thing we have to do online for LBM? I can't get the HIPAA video to play. Is the video needed to pass the exam? Also for the badge form, do we turn...
  14. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I honestly thought due to the fact they took FOREVER to release our schedules that they had some methodical system in assigning us, but if you look closely, it's clear they don't. For the trimester...
  15. CSULB Fall 2012 BSN

    I have to say I'm content with my schedule. I hope you guys are