NVRN, ICU, Critical Care

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LMT2BSN has 1 years experience and specializes in NVRN, ICU, Critical Care.

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  1. Managing Vents and other PACU skills

    I appreciate the helpful info! I'm actually waiting on Drains perianesthesia book to be delivered, so can't wait to look into that. I know that managing vents is not beyond my capabilities, so most of...
  2. Managing Vents and other PACU skills

    ICU nurse with 14 months experience in neuro/stroke/sepsis ICU and code team. So, good experience but.....still a baby nurse :). I'm super excited about my new job at a level 1 trauma tier 1 & 2...
  3. Medical Marijuana: Not sure what I'm doing..

    I appreciate the responses that are related to info/sources on using medical marijuana for ALS symptom control.
  4. My mother is one of the millions that would greatly benefit from medical marijuana. Background: She was the picture of healthy and fit 9 months ago and has been diagnosed with ALS like disease,out of...
  5. hospital habits

    lol. not even for the first year, when you want to show
  6. New Nursing Student

    I'm no nurse, but I come on here to gain realistic info. I've felt the same way as you! However, I bet if every profession had a forum related to it, there would be an overload of miserable moments...
  7. hospital habits

    I already have the jargon issue, as I'm constantly charting patients at my current non-nurse job. But the no water, no pee, no food thing makes me nervous.lol if i don't eat something within in an...
  8. hospital habits

    What are all the hospital habits that one must adhere to? big or small for instance to the public it's 8:17, then you get to work and it's 20:17... As a student I've set all clocks in my life to...
  9. true on so many levels! that quote should be a t-shirt, bumper sticker,
  10. School wait..

    After two years of prereqs and then two years of nursing program after that, wouldn't you have a BSN. Not just an associates? or am I missing something... (I'm assuming the two years of school after...
  11. Spanish for Nurses

    I don't think she HAS to go out of her way to speak Spanish, she WANTS to learn it for professional and personal use. I can only speak English, but I think it's a little too pompous to establish a law...
  12. Clorox or Peroxide?

    Same Here!! So, do most hospitals just use the Cavi wipes or Alcohol mentioned
  13. Pre-shift workout/exercises

    I would suggest Bikram Yoga! As well as strength training, conditioning, stretching, and oxygenating the muscle/body; a huge focus of Bikram Yoga is effectively circulating blood throughout the body,...
  14. Spanish for Nurses

    Enroll in a community college spanish course, at a college that offers Rosetta Stone. NOT for the course, but for the unlimited use of Rosetta Stone via their languages center. The one course would be...
  15. Clorox or Peroxide?

    Thanks for your input