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  1. Waiting for a travel assignment

    I have 6 years of RN experience. The recruiter tells me my credentials are great, but the hospitals she's putting me in for, are not calling
  2. Waiting for a travel assignment

    No. My specialty is med/surg with surgical and orthopedic experience. I have not asked for any specific hospital. I just want to be near my family. They live in Delray beach,
  3. Waiting for a travel assignment

    Hello fellow nurses. I need to know how long do I wait for a travel company to find me an assignment. It has been almost 4 weeks. Do I tell them to forget about it, and just find a job when I get...
  4. RN starting pay in you area

    I work in a rural hospital. I make $23.67/hr. with 4 yrs. experience. I make night, and weekend
  5. First night shift this week...

    I have been working night shift all but 2 years of my nursing career. I have been in nursing for 8 years. Everyone is different, but the most important thing is to get enough sleep. Buy black-out...
  6. Anyone left nursing TOTALLY...what are you doing now?

    I would love to have my own bakery, maybe make breads, pasteries, and donuts. I would love to be my own boss. My parents owned their own business, and it was alot of work, but also rewarding. If, I...
  7. Should I stay or go?

    Make your concerns known to the administration. This is the right time to do it. You need to feel comfortable in order to do your best work. I have worked in a LTC, and even with the pages of...
  8. transferring licensure

    I went through the same thing. I took the NCLEX through Florida, passed, then endorsed my license for Nevada. It didn't take very long. I think it took about 2
  9. RN going back to be a medical assistant

    Don't settle for being a MA. That gives you no nursing experience. Keep putting in those applications, and resumes. If you need a job, find one in the hospital. Do your networking that way, and they...
  10. Holiday Pay-- Anyone else heard of this??

    I just recently started to understand this concept of holiday pay. I don't get too frazzled about it. When its my holiday to work, I work. What I don't like about Holidays, is that co-workers with...
  11. Why did you choose nursing?

    My dad and I had a talk one day, about my future. My dad tells me to pick a career that you will always have a job, and that you won't have to rely on a man, for your financial security. I took his...
  12. Do rural hospitals orientate their nurses?

    Rural hospitals do have orientation for their nurses. It is just different from the bigger hospitals. Rural nurses will not let you go until they feel you are ready. Rural nurses like to know about...
  13. I would like to hear your opinion.

    It sounds like you have a lot more questions about this new position. In my experience, the pay does not mean it is a good work place. You need to research turnover rate. The nurse-patient ratio. Good...
  14. New Grad - First Job in OR!

    congratulations! Is that where you want to be in your career? I am surprised you wouldn't want to take care of patients on the floor first. Good luck to

    I agree with everyone's comment about night shift, so far. I have this feeling of a general disregard for night shift people, and the fact that we work just as hard as day shift. We catch a lot of...